Tuesday, July 23, 2013


A Great Conservative Sports Star, the center who led the Ravens offense to the Super Bowl victory, declined to attend the White House celebration because Obama is so pro-abortion. [1] Obama-supported "Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year," Matt Birk observed.

"Reading by Bumps: How to navigate the Hebrew Braille Bible, and not go to prison" by Bishop Bert [2]

Obama administration mining Facebook data to predict crimes.[3]

New York City Mayor candidate Anthony Weiner and the New York Times are tying to rehabilitate his sleazy image, but Michelle Malkin has doubts that it will work.[4]


Barack Hussein Obama flip-flops on the Patriot Act.[5]

Why do liberals, RINOs and Darwinist posers like to flip-flop so often?[6][7] Lack of convictions?

High unemployment, mistrust of government and a porous Mexican border makes odds of passing U.S. immigration bill longer.[8]

"The administration has now lost all credibility..."
And this statement comes from the editorial board of the New York Times, a liberal newspaper. [9][10]

The NSA's domestic spying - and they are spying on Americans - violates the Fourth Amendment. [11]

The special Senate election in New Jersey got a lot more interesting today. Governor Chris Christie named a close ally as a caretaker Senator, and several candidates said they would try to qualify. [12]

A Tea Party activist denounces Chris Christie for calling a special election instead of simply appointing an interim United States Senator. (And calling a special election so fast most candidates won't have time to qualify.) [13] While we're at it: is Chris Christie really a Republican? [14]

The Bully-crats: [15]

Trolls' attempts to silence conservatives just won't work. [16]

Robert Bauer: former White House Counsel, who could be the one most responsible for the IRS targeting of the Tea Party and conservatives in general. [17]

10-year old boy fends off armed home intruders with a gun.[18]

Remember this Father's Day: The left's policies are undermining the family.[19]

The Common Core State Standards for education are unconstitutional and illegal. See here for all the laws they violate. [20]

BREAKING NEWS: Steve Lonegan will start at once to gather signatures to get on the primary ballot in the New Jersey special Senate election. [21][22]

Chris Christie called a special election to fill Frank Lautenberg's Senate seat to benefit one man only: himself. And why is he drawing big money from prominent Democratic Party financiers? [23]

The Obama administration is as transparent as a tar pit.[24] American conservatives, like the ones in Florida and Texas, like the refreshing, clear waters of government transparency.

The IRS discriminates because they are a bunch of self-serving, liberal, money grubbers.[25] Eliminate the IRS and slash U.S federal government spending.

Real austerity and not "faux austerity" will help European economies.[26] How long will the liberal heathen rage and deny the obvious?

What's really "transparent" about Barack Hussein Obama? His war on America, and American women, that's what. [27]

Conservative landslide victory Tuesday, by a remarkable 67-27% margin, for an open congressional seat in Missouri. [28]

Tyranny gets a new face today. It is not just the IRS. It is the Democratic Party Caucus of the United States House of Representatives. [29]

BREAKING NEWS: Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey will not name an interim United States Senator immediately. He will call a special election, to take place this October, to name a replacement for the late Senator Frank Lautenberg. [30]

New Jersey voters! Vote today. A Tea Party group publishes its last list of endorsements in races from sheriff to township council. [31]

The lamestream media admit that Tim Tebow is being excluded not primarily because of his quarterbacking skills. [32] Why should the public support the NFL as it discriminates against outspoken Christians?

Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) died Monday. Now Governor Chris Christie must appoint someone to replace him. Whom will that be? [33][34]

Liberal hatred of the First Amendment: [35]

Evolutionists failed to overturn Louisiana pro-creationism law - again! Also, another creationist mother is eager to have her daughter read a draft of the Question evolution! campaign book for middle school students.[36]

Forbes: Religion is an essential driver of economic growth. Evangelicalism is improving the cultures of third world countries and boosting their economies. [37]

UN Agenda 21 threatens San Francisco Bay. But two activists are preparing to sue to fight it. [38]

Liberal censorship continues, by making a big deal out of an offhand reference to "no homo" by a triumphant basketball player. [39] But there's no exception to the First Amendment allowing censorship to promote the homosexual agenda.

Are the Koch Brothers hoping to buy the Los Angeles Times? If so, conservatives should applaud, not decry, them for that. [40]

Anti-Darwinism has now entered into a mainstream public university. Indiana's Ball State University is now offering a course which is intelligent design friendly.[41]

Same-sex marriage is defeated in the liberal state of Illinois, despite Obama's push for it in his home state. [42] Has Obama become irrelevant?

The academic journal Sociology of Religion shows secularism losing momentum and beginning to decline in both Europe and America by 2050. Other academic research shows it may begin to happen much earlier.[43]

August 2012: A summer of triumph for biblical creation belief. Will August 2013 be a watershed month as well?[44]

Media-promoted Tiger Woods "shot his worst nine-hole score as a professional" but afterward his comments were again self-serving: "I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled out there." [45] Actually, Woods' score is worse than 69 other players.

The number of adherents of liberal Christianity who will be spit out of Jesus's mouth will be many.[46]

The country with the world's biggest atheist population is very interested in information debunking Darwinism.[47]

The first review of the Question evolution! campaign book for middle school students is in! Rachel finds the book "very interesting". Sarah is "very interested" in reading the book.[48]

Evolutionists, learning science is exciting. The force feeding of stale, evolutionary bunkum is not.[49][50]

New Jersey voters! This Tuesday is Primary Day. Herewith a voter guide. [51][52][53]

The IRS and the White House definitely worked together. The visitor logs show how often IRS Commissioner Shulman visited – and how rarely anyone else did with whom he would have had meetings, of not with Barack Obama. [54]

A Tea Party activist withdraws his earlier call for a temporary criminal registry, in wake of the scandals surrounding the Internal Revenue Service. This is the same agency that will police Obamacare. [55]

Liberal double standard: when undefeated Michele Bachmann declined to run for reelection, there was liberal claptrap galore by the media. Then her Dem opponent pulled out of the race too, and the media are nearly speechless. [56]

Eric Holder gave a private party for his friends in the Mainstream Media, and less than half of them showed up. What does that say about those who did? [57]

After cutting Tim Tebow, the New York Jets now try to stop the building of a family amusement park. [58] Why should the increasingly anti-Christian NFL receive favoritism??

Associated Press reports that Americans may lose the health plan they like under Obamacare.[59]

Student Loan money profits are being siphoned off to pay for ObamaCare.[60]

An activist advises people to elect a sheriff who remembers his Constitutional duty to those who elect him. [61]

"Memorial Day 2013: How it was. What it will be" by Bishop Bert [62]

1960s liberalism is not only financially unsustainable, but its champions are a dying breed.[63]

Understanding gold market dynamics.[64]

Evolutionary racism directed towards an accomplished footballer puts a sour note on a football game.[65] Why are so many liberals racists?

When a republic turns into a democracy, it will surely fail. [66]

Remembering a fallen police officer in Phoenix, Arizona. [67]

Media bullying alert: the lamestream media spend all day picking on undefeated conservative Michele Bachmann, who repeatedly won in a liberal district. Rather their cheap criticism, the media should be asking why they could never defeat her.

Wikipedia continues to lose influence in the world in 2013.[68] Also, interest in Project 200 plus keeps expanding.

Undefeated five-term congressman Michele Bachmann announces that she will retire from her position, and may run for higher office. [69] The liberal machine was never able to defeat her in a Dem state.

Professor attacked by liberals. His "crime"? Teaching students to think for themselves. [70]

Judge-Shopping, or, How Eric Holder Got Away With Spying On A Reporter's Emails: [71]

The liberal nanny mayor of New York City doesn't like street cafes now. [72]

The IRS scandal that the news is not covering, because it's tied in with Obamacare: [73]

Eric Holder now faces investigation for perjury before Congress. Is Barack Hussein Obama paying attention? [74]

France struggles to find a strategy to turn around their economy even though it is right under their nose.[75] The Bible, Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek

Many things happen in life that cannot be explained by science or philosophy. Atheists and agnostics self intellectually cripple themselves and are clueless about much of reality.[76]

Example of how modern conservatism is more conservative than Republicans from yesteryear: Bob Dole, Republican nominee in 1996, admits that "Reagan couldn't have made it. Certainly, Nixon couldn't have made it .... We might've made it, but I doubt it." [77]

A United States Senator finally says it: Barack H. Obama is throwing away his moral authority to lead. But in fact he never had legal authority to lead, either. [78]

Conservapedia pauses in prayer (not a liberal "moment of silence") in honor of Memorial Day.

RichardDawkins.net keeps getting smited! Has a plague of locusts eaten Richard Dawkins' daily website visitors?[79]

How long will you refuse to humble yourself before the Lord, Richard Dawkins?

Vox Day and a supporter of the Question evolution! campaign agree: The speed at which the secular left is collapsing is happening at an unexpectedly fast rate. [80]

Google USA estimates 101,000,000 search results for the search "Evolution and just so stories".[81]

"President Obama forgets to salute," but the lamestream media downplay gaffes by liberals. [82]

A Tea Party activist urges Congress to seize the moment, now that Obama's luck seems to have run out. [83]

Another study finds that obesity may decrease brain function.[84] See also: Atheism and obesity and Lesbianism and obesity

Have liberal policies destroyed Sweden? "Stockholm rioting continues for fifth night." [85]

The inventor of the concept "Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder" admitted, before he died, that he made the whole thing up. Think about that when the school district tells you to drug your kids. [86]

Dems admit they lack the votes to pass their amnesty-for-illegal-aliens bill, where 60 votes are the minimum needed in the U.S. Senate. [87]

The cold temperatures this spring have even hurt the sale of sporting goods. [88] Yet liberal denial about the cold weather persists, in order to perpetrate a fictional global warming.

World's most popular site devoted to atheism/agnosticism sees a massive loss of global market share according to Alexa. Also, new Question evolution! campaign group leader expected to be installed in June of 2013.[89]

Obama's paternalistic, sexist reference Thursday to a heckler as a "young lady" is no problem for the liberal media, [90] but an Hispanic golfer's offhand racial quip about Tiger Woods is unforgivable.

7 creationist groups have now joined Project 200 plus. Also, 7 ways the Question evolution! campaign is strengthening itself.[91]

An IRS official takes the Fifth Amendment. Or does she? Besides botching her plea, she shows hypocrisy in claiming a freedom she does not grant to others. [92]

Liberal double standard: racist remarks by Joe Biden are no problem, but the lamestream media and Tiger Woods make a big deal about an offhand joke by an Hispanic golfer. [93] Will media bullying enable Tiger Woods to end nearly 5 years without his winning a major?

The BBC News opened a story with this nonsense: “A study of Neanderthal skulls suggests that they became extinct because they had larger eyes than our species.”[94] Why does Darwinism spawn such lame just so stories?

Thomas Sowell recommends parents having their children read the book The New Leviathan which has a number of essays which debunk various liberal sacred cows.[95]

Barack Hussein Obama's "I am an idiot" defense about his recent scandals undermines his "cult of expertise" and statist redemption fantasies that he has been peddling.[96]

Ask yourselves right now: is this still America? Representative Mike Kelly asked that of IRS Acting Commissioner Miller. We should ask it of ourselves. [97]

Contrast the regal behavior of Barack Hussein Obama with the humble behavior of George Washington. [98]

Expert says that the discovery of a 20-year long rainfall in Ireland points to the Great Flood of the Bible being historical.[99]

Why do so many faux Christians deny the Great Flood and try to turn it into a non-Great Flood?[100] Did Jesus, Peter and Moses lie?[101]

Animals are where they are today, not because they evolved there, nor yet because of continental drift, but because they went there after the Great Flood. [102]

A description of "Common Core Education," the harm it can do, and a list of New Jersey primary candidates pledged to stop it. [103]

Outspokenly Christian Kevin Durant gives $1 million to the tornado victims. Durant uaually outscores LeBron, but the liberal media do not promote outspoken Christians.

Why does Glenn Beck, who loves to chart conspiracies on his famous chalkboards, ignore a conspiracy right under his nose? [104]

28 million Americans will be caught in a "massive game of health coverage pingpong" under ObamaCare, and even the liberal media are beginning to panic about this. [105]

Classic communist tactic by the Obama Administration: it files a document in court alleging that a reporter at Fox News is a possible co-conspirator in the "crime" of informing the public. [106] In fact this goes back further – to Henry II. Are we all Thomas Becket now? [107]

Teen awarded for improved capacitor - Intel gave a $50,000 scholarship to a girl whose titanium dioxide capacitor can store almost three times as much electrical energy as previous capacitors and is intended as a battery alternative. [108]

Most mainstream media got the story wrong, claiming incorrectly that her invention can charge a cell phone battery in 30 seconds. (Charging a battery too quickly reduces its life, which is why Motorola and Samsung and the rest keep the amperage low.)

Franklin Graham, one of America's most prominent evangelical Christians, says the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service included two of his ministries.[109]

Are many evangelical Christian churches primarily growing in America due to birth rates or due to evangelism?[110]

"Quiverfull" evangelical Christianity, which does not believe in contraception, is now spreading in the UK.[111] In the past 30 years, the number of Anabaptists in North America, including the Amish, has grown significantly, from 313,000 baptized members in 1978 to more than 535,000 in 2010. [112]

Unfortunately for militant atheists, secularist philosophy breeds sub-replacement levels of fertility. See: Decline of atheism

Reuters reports: "Europe is in the midst of its longest recession since it began keeping records in 1995 — even surpassing the calamity that hit the region in the financial crisis of 2008-2009."[113]

Biblical creationism is growing in Europe and its growth rate will accelerate amidst Europe's economic woes.[114]

The UK has experienced one lost economic decade, and it's about to enter a second. [115] When is the UK going to remove Charles Darwin off its currency?[116]

Turkey, a world leader in anti-evolutionism, had its Moody’s credit rating upgraded to investment-grade quality. [117][118]

What is the real IRS scandal? It's the tax code itself. [119]

A video was recently produced on the topic "Why Christianity and the Bible are true." [120]

Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women?[121]

A New Jersey activist promotes the primarying of a RINO State Senator. See his side-by-side of a typical RINO and his challenger. [122]

The first rule of grassroots anti-evolution social movements: What's behind us in inane evolutionist commentary is NOT important![123]

Is the Question evolution! campaign entering a new phase? If so, what new tactics are being employed by a Question evolution campaign group?

Bradlee Dean has this scathing commentary on Minnesota's gay "marriage" law. [124]

Previous Conservapedia Breaking News

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First Lady Michelle Obama and Epicurious Host Second Recipe Challenge

The White House

Office of the First Lady


“The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge” Welcomes Children and Their Parents to Create 
Healthy Lunch Recipes for an Invite to a Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House

New York, NY (April 3, 2013) – With the overwhelming success of the inaugural Healthy Lunchtime Challenge & Kids' “State Dinner” in 2012, First Lady Michelle Obama is again teaming up with Epicurious, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Department of Agriculture to host a nationwide recipe challenge to promote healthy eating among America’s youth.

“Last year’s Kids State dinner was one of my favorite events we’ve ever done for Let’s Move! because it perfectly captured how young people, parents, community leaders and businesses can come together for innovative, healthy solutions,” said First Lady Michelle Obama.  “Last year’s young chefs impressed and inspired me with their creativity, and I can’t wait to welcome a whole new group to the White House this summer and taste their creations.  So kids, let’s get cooking!”

The second Healthy Lunchtime Challenge & Kids' “State Dinner” invites parents or guardians and their children, ages 8-12, to create and submit an original lunch recipe that is healthy, affordable, and tasty.  In support of Let’s Move!, launched by the First Lady to solve the issue of childhood obesity, each recipe must adhere to the guidance that supports USDA’s MyPlate (at ChooseMyPlate.gov) to ensure that the criteria of a healthy meal are met.  Entries must represent each of the food groups, either in one dish or as parts of a lunch meal, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy foods, with fruits and veggies making up roughly half the plate or recipe.

All U.S. states and territories, including Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands, are invited to participate. Fifty-six children and their parent/guardian (one pair from each of the 50 states, plus the U.S. Territories, D.C., and Puerto Rico) will be flown to the nation’s capital where they will have the opportunity to attend a Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House this summer, hosted by Mrs. Obama.  A selection of the winning healthy recipes will be served.  

“In order to promote a healthier next generation of Americans, we need to encourage kids to make healthier choices now – which they can carry into adulthood,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.  “USDA is thrilled to be part of the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge again this year because it inspires kids to use USDA’s MyPlate to take a hands-on approach to building healthier meal times.”

“We know healthy kids are healthy students, and healthy students are better able to engage in the classroom and excel academically,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. “If we can get our children to eat healthier and exercise more, that’s a recipe for success. Kids are the best judges of what looks and tastes good, so we’re challenging them to create lunches that all their peers will enjoy.”

“We are thrilled to once again partner with Mrs. Obama, and to champion her Let’s Move! initiative, in an effort to raise awareness for the importance of healthy eating among kids,” said Tanya Steel, editor-in-chief of Epicurious.  "Through ‘The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge,’ we will, for the second year, create a call to action for kids, highlighting the importance of healthy meals. This initiative will continue to make a positive impact on the way our children eat, and will reinforce that meals, especially school lunches, can be delicious and nutritious.”

The winning recipes will be chosen by a panel of judges, including Tanya Steel, Let’s Move! Executive Director Sam Kass, USDA and U.S. Department of Education representatives, as well as a celebrity chef, to be named.  At the conclusion of the Challenge, a free, downloadable and printable e-cookbook featuring the winning recipes, nutritional analysis, photos and drawings, will be available via LetsMove.gov, USDA.gov, Ed.gov and recipechallenge.epicurious.com.

The White House Kids’ “State Dinner” is currently scheduled to take place in July or August 2013.

Recipes can be submitted April 3 through May 12, online at recipechallenge.epicurious.com, or via mail at “The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge c/o Epicurious.com,” 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10036. Winners will be notified at the end of June. For more information and contest rules visit recipechallenge.epicurious.com.

Extending Middle Class Tax Cuts

President Obama tell the American people about the budget he is sending to Congress, which makes the tough choices required to grow our economy and shrink our deficits

Here’s a quick glimpse at what happened this week on WhiteHouse.gov.

President Obama marks the end of the Easter season with a prayer breakfast at the White House.

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Conservative Groups Dominate Efforts To Convince Supreme Court To Hear Cases

The Cato Institute's National Headquarters

According to a study by appellate attorney Adam Chandler, conservative groups utterly dominate the game of seeking to influence which cases the Supreme Court hears. Although the Supreme Court receives about 9,000-10,000 petitions a year seeking their review of a case, only a tiny fraction of these petitions are granted — this year, for example, the Court will only hear 77 cases with full briefing and oral argument. So often the most decision the justices make in a case is the decision to hear it in the first place. There are many views that five justices would support if forced to express their opinion, but that is no guarantee that those views will someday make their way into a Supreme Court opinion.

In light of this fact, conservative organizations have clearly made a significant investment in trying to make sure cases that favor their views catch the justices eye. Eight of the ten most frequent filers of amicus briefs seeking to influence which cases are heard by the Court are solidly on the right:

Three of the top ten groups — the Chamber, the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Federation of Independent Businesses — are Republican-aligned business lobbies. DRI represents attorneys who themselves represent big business. Cato is an anti-government think tank that believes Medicare and Medicaid are unconstitutional. Pacific Legal Foundation, Washington Legal Foundation and the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence are all right-wing litigation shops, the later of which was founded by one of America’s leading anti-gay attorneys.

Only one group in the top ten, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), is arguably a left-leaning organization — but even this organization works closely with conservative legal groups to reduce “overcriminalization” of activities approved of by conservatives. In any event, while eliminating unnecessary crimes, promoting sensible sentencing and similar goals are certainly important, NACDL’s work on behalf of the criminal defense bar is narrowly focused on goals related to criminal justice — and thus they can hardly provide a counterbalance to the Chamber’s corporate advocacy or to Cato’s efforts to destroy the health care safety net.

There are a number of possible explanations for why conservatives completely dominate this area of Supreme Court litigation, the most obvious of which is that massive corporations and right-wing billionaires simply have more money to throw at hiring lawyers with the skills and influence to convince the justices to take a case. Even relatively prosperous left-of-center groups, however, likely stay out of this game because of the Roberts Court’s conservatism. Indeed, the Chamber isn’t just the top filer of amicus briefs asking the Court to hear cases, the corporate lobbying group is also one of the most successful litigants — if not the most successful litigant — before the Supreme Court.

View the original article here


A Great Conservative Sports Star, the center who led the Ravens offense to the Super Bowl victory, declined to attend the White House celebration because Obama is so pro-abortion. [1] Obama-supported "Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year," Matt Birk observed.

"Reading by Bumps: How to navigate the Hebrew Braille Bible, and not go to prison" by Bishop Bert [2]

Obama administration mining Facebook data to predict crimes.[3]

New York City Mayor candidate Anthony Weiner and the New York Times are tying to rehabilitate his sleazy image, but Michelle Malkin has doubts that it will work.[4]


Barack Hussein Obama flip-flops on the Patriot Act.[5]

Why do liberals, RINOs and Darwinist posers like to flip-flop so often?[6][7] Lack of convictions?

High unemployment, mistrust of government and a porous Mexican border makes odds of passing U.S. immigration bill longer.[8]

"The administration has now lost all credibility..."
And this statement comes from the editorial board of the New York Times, a liberal newspaper. [9][10]

The NSA's domestic spying - and they are spying on Americans - violates the Fourth Amendment. [11]

The special Senate election in New Jersey got a lot more interesting today. Governor Chris Christie named a close ally as a caretaker Senator, and several candidates said they would try to qualify. [12]

A Tea Party activist denounces Chris Christie for calling a special election instead of simply appointing an interim United States Senator. (And calling a special election so fast most candidates won't have time to qualify.) [13] While we're at it: is Chris Christie really a Republican? [14]

The Bully-crats: [15]

Trolls' attempts to silence conservatives just won't work. [16]

Robert Bauer: former White House Counsel, who could be the one most responsible for the IRS targeting of the Tea Party and conservatives in general. [17]

10-year old boy fends off armed home intruders with a gun.[18]

Remember this Father's Day: The left's policies are undermining the family.[19]

The Common Core State Standards for education are unconstitutional and illegal. See here for all the laws they violate. [20]

BREAKING NEWS: Steve Lonegan will start at once to gather signatures to get on the primary ballot in the New Jersey special Senate election. [21][22]

Chris Christie called a special election to fill Frank Lautenberg's Senate seat to benefit one man only: himself. And why is he drawing big money from prominent Democratic Party financiers? [23]

The Obama administration is as transparent as a tar pit.[24] American conservatives, like the ones in Florida and Texas, like the refreshing, clear waters of government transparency.

The IRS discriminates because they are a bunch of self-serving, liberal, money grubbers.[25] Eliminate the IRS and slash U.S federal government spending.

Real austerity and not "faux austerity" will help European economies.[26] How long will the liberal heathen rage and deny the obvious?

What's really "transparent" about Barack Hussein Obama? His war on America, and American women, that's what. [27]

Conservative landslide victory Tuesday, by a remarkable 67-27% margin, for an open congressional seat in Missouri. [28]

Tyranny gets a new face today. It is not just the IRS. It is the Democratic Party Caucus of the United States House of Representatives. [29]

BREAKING NEWS: Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey will not name an interim United States Senator immediately. He will call a special election, to take place this October, to name a replacement for the late Senator Frank Lautenberg. [30]

New Jersey voters! Vote today. A Tea Party group publishes its last list of endorsements in races from sheriff to township council. [31]

The lamestream media admit that Tim Tebow is being excluded not primarily because of his quarterbacking skills. [32] Why should the public support the NFL as it discriminates against outspoken Christians?

Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) died Monday. Now Governor Chris Christie must appoint someone to replace him. Whom will that be? [33][34]

Liberal hatred of the First Amendment: [35]

Evolutionists failed to overturn Louisiana pro-creationism law - again! Also, another creationist mother is eager to have her daughter read a draft of the Question evolution! campaign book for middle school students.[36]

Forbes: Religion is an essential driver of economic growth. Evangelicalism is improving the cultures of third world countries and boosting their economies. [37]

UN Agenda 21 threatens San Francisco Bay. But two activists are preparing to sue to fight it. [38]

Liberal censorship continues, by making a big deal out of an offhand reference to "no homo" by a triumphant basketball player. [39] But there's no exception to the First Amendment allowing censorship to promote the homosexual agenda.

Are the Koch Brothers hoping to buy the Los Angeles Times? If so, conservatives should applaud, not decry, them for that. [40]

Anti-Darwinism has now entered into a mainstream public university. Indiana's Ball State University is now offering a course which is intelligent design friendly.[41]

Same-sex marriage is defeated in the liberal state of Illinois, despite Obama's push for it in his home state. [42] Has Obama become irrelevant?

The academic journal Sociology of Religion shows secularism losing momentum and beginning to decline in both Europe and America by 2050. Other academic research shows it may begin to happen much earlier.[43]

August 2012: A summer of triumph for biblical creation belief. Will August 2013 be a watershed month as well?[44]

Media-promoted Tiger Woods "shot his worst nine-hole score as a professional" but afterward his comments were again self-serving: "I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled out there." [45] Actually, Woods' score is worse than 69 other players.

The number of adherents of liberal Christianity who will be spit out of Jesus's mouth will be many.[46]

The country with the world's biggest atheist population is very interested in information debunking Darwinism.[47]

The first review of the Question evolution! campaign book for middle school students is in! Rachel finds the book "very interesting". Sarah is "very interested" in reading the book.[48]

Evolutionists, learning science is exciting. The force feeding of stale, evolutionary bunkum is not.[49][50]

New Jersey voters! This Tuesday is Primary Day. Herewith a voter guide. [51][52][53]

The IRS and the White House definitely worked together. The visitor logs show how often IRS Commissioner Shulman visited – and how rarely anyone else did with whom he would have had meetings, of not with Barack Obama. [54]

A Tea Party activist withdraws his earlier call for a temporary criminal registry, in wake of the scandals surrounding the Internal Revenue Service. This is the same agency that will police Obamacare. [55]

Liberal double standard: when undefeated Michele Bachmann declined to run for reelection, there was liberal claptrap galore by the media. Then her Dem opponent pulled out of the race too, and the media are nearly speechless. [56]

Eric Holder gave a private party for his friends in the Mainstream Media, and less than half of them showed up. What does that say about those who did? [57]

After cutting Tim Tebow, the New York Jets now try to stop the building of a family amusement park. [58] Why should the increasingly anti-Christian NFL receive favoritism??

Associated Press reports that Americans may lose the health plan they like under Obamacare.[59]

Student Loan money profits are being siphoned off to pay for ObamaCare.[60]

An activist advises people to elect a sheriff who remembers his Constitutional duty to those who elect him. [61]

"Memorial Day 2013: How it was. What it will be" by Bishop Bert [62]

1960s liberalism is not only financially unsustainable, but its champions are a dying breed.[63]

Understanding gold market dynamics.[64]

Evolutionary racism directed towards an accomplished footballer puts a sour note on a football game.[65] Why are so many liberals racists?

When a republic turns into a democracy, it will surely fail. [66]

Remembering a fallen police officer in Phoenix, Arizona. [67]

Media bullying alert: the lamestream media spend all day picking on undefeated conservative Michele Bachmann, who repeatedly won in a liberal district. Rather their cheap criticism, the media should be asking why they could never defeat her.

Wikipedia continues to lose influence in the world in 2013.[68] Also, interest in Project 200 plus keeps expanding.

Undefeated five-term congressman Michele Bachmann announces that she will retire from her position, and may run for higher office. [69] The liberal machine was never able to defeat her in a Dem state.

Professor attacked by liberals. His "crime"? Teaching students to think for themselves. [70]

Judge-Shopping, or, How Eric Holder Got Away With Spying On A Reporter's Emails: [71]

The liberal nanny mayor of New York City doesn't like street cafes now. [72]

The IRS scandal that the news is not covering, because it's tied in with Obamacare: [73]

Eric Holder now faces investigation for perjury before Congress. Is Barack Hussein Obama paying attention? [74]

France struggles to find a strategy to turn around their economy even though it is right under their nose.[75] The Bible, Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek

Many things happen in life that cannot be explained by science or philosophy. Atheists and agnostics self intellectually cripple themselves and are clueless about much of reality.[76]

Example of how modern conservatism is more conservative than Republicans from yesteryear: Bob Dole, Republican nominee in 1996, admits that "Reagan couldn't have made it. Certainly, Nixon couldn't have made it .... We might've made it, but I doubt it." [77]

A United States Senator finally says it: Barack H. Obama is throwing away his moral authority to lead. But in fact he never had legal authority to lead, either. [78]

Conservapedia pauses in prayer (not a liberal "moment of silence") in honor of Memorial Day.

RichardDawkins.net keeps getting smited! Has a plague of locusts eaten Richard Dawkins' daily website visitors?[79]

How long will you refuse to humble yourself before the Lord, Richard Dawkins?

Vox Day and a supporter of the Question evolution! campaign agree: The speed at which the secular left is collapsing is happening at an unexpectedly fast rate. [80]

Google USA estimates 101,000,000 search results for the search "Evolution and just so stories".[81]

"President Obama forgets to salute," but the lamestream media downplay gaffes by liberals. [82]

A Tea Party activist urges Congress to seize the moment, now that Obama's luck seems to have run out. [83]

Another study finds that obesity may decrease brain function.[84] See also: Atheism and obesity and Lesbianism and obesity

Have liberal policies destroyed Sweden? "Stockholm rioting continues for fifth night." [85]

The inventor of the concept "Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder" admitted, before he died, that he made the whole thing up. Think about that when the school district tells you to drug your kids. [86]

Dems admit they lack the votes to pass their amnesty-for-illegal-aliens bill, where 60 votes are the minimum needed in the U.S. Senate. [87]

The cold temperatures this spring have even hurt the sale of sporting goods. [88] Yet liberal denial about the cold weather persists, in order to perpetrate a fictional global warming.

World's most popular site devoted to atheism/agnosticism sees a massive loss of global market share according to Alexa. Also, new Question evolution! campaign group leader expected to be installed in June of 2013.[89]

Obama's paternalistic, sexist reference Thursday to a heckler as a "young lady" is no problem for the liberal media, [90] but an Hispanic golfer's offhand racial quip about Tiger Woods is unforgivable.

7 creationist groups have now joined Project 200 plus. Also, 7 ways the Question evolution! campaign is strengthening itself.[91]

An IRS official takes the Fifth Amendment. Or does she? Besides botching her plea, she shows hypocrisy in claiming a freedom she does not grant to others. [92]

Liberal double standard: racist remarks by Joe Biden are no problem, but the lamestream media and Tiger Woods make a big deal about an offhand joke by an Hispanic golfer. [93] Will media bullying enable Tiger Woods to end nearly 5 years without his winning a major?

The BBC News opened a story with this nonsense: “A study of Neanderthal skulls suggests that they became extinct because they had larger eyes than our species.”[94] Why does Darwinism spawn such lame just so stories?

Thomas Sowell recommends parents having their children read the book The New Leviathan which has a number of essays which debunk various liberal sacred cows.[95]

Barack Hussein Obama's "I am an idiot" defense about his recent scandals undermines his "cult of expertise" and statist redemption fantasies that he has been peddling.[96]

Ask yourselves right now: is this still America? Representative Mike Kelly asked that of IRS Acting Commissioner Miller. We should ask it of ourselves. [97]

Contrast the regal behavior of Barack Hussein Obama with the humble behavior of George Washington. [98]

Expert says that the discovery of a 20-year long rainfall in Ireland points to the Great Flood of the Bible being historical.[99]

Why do so many faux Christians deny the Great Flood and try to turn it into a non-Great Flood?[100] Did Jesus, Peter and Moses lie?[101]

Animals are where they are today, not because they evolved there, nor yet because of continental drift, but because they went there after the Great Flood. [102]

A description of "Common Core Education," the harm it can do, and a list of New Jersey primary candidates pledged to stop it. [103]

Outspokenly Christian Kevin Durant gives $1 million to the tornado victims. Durant uaually outscores LeBron, but the liberal media do not promote outspoken Christians.

Why does Glenn Beck, who loves to chart conspiracies on his famous chalkboards, ignore a conspiracy right under his nose? [104]

28 million Americans will be caught in a "massive game of health coverage pingpong" under ObamaCare, and even the liberal media are beginning to panic about this. [105]

Classic communist tactic by the Obama Administration: it files a document in court alleging that a reporter at Fox News is a possible co-conspirator in the "crime" of informing the public. [106] In fact this goes back further – to Henry II. Are we all Thomas Becket now? [107]

Teen awarded for improved capacitor - Intel gave a $50,000 scholarship to a girl whose titanium dioxide capacitor can store almost three times as much electrical energy as previous capacitors and is intended as a battery alternative. [108]

Most mainstream media got the story wrong, claiming incorrectly that her invention can charge a cell phone battery in 30 seconds. (Charging a battery too quickly reduces its life, which is why Motorola and Samsung and the rest keep the amperage low.)

Franklin Graham, one of America's most prominent evangelical Christians, says the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service included two of his ministries.[109]

Are many evangelical Christian churches primarily growing in America due to birth rates or due to evangelism?[110]

"Quiverfull" evangelical Christianity, which does not believe in contraception, is now spreading in the UK.[111] In the past 30 years, the number of Anabaptists in North America, including the Amish, has grown significantly, from 313,000 baptized members in 1978 to more than 535,000 in 2010. [112]

Unfortunately for militant atheists, secularist philosophy breeds sub-replacement levels of fertility. See: Decline of atheism

Reuters reports: "Europe is in the midst of its longest recession since it began keeping records in 1995 — even surpassing the calamity that hit the region in the financial crisis of 2008-2009."[113]

Biblical creationism is growing in Europe and its growth rate will accelerate amidst Europe's economic woes.[114]

The UK has experienced one lost economic decade, and it's about to enter a second. [115] When is the UK going to remove Charles Darwin off its currency?[116]

Turkey, a world leader in anti-evolutionism, had its Moody’s credit rating upgraded to investment-grade quality. [117][118]

What is the real IRS scandal? It's the tax code itself. [119]

A video was recently produced on the topic "Why Christianity and the Bible are true." [120]

Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women?[121]

A New Jersey activist promotes the primarying of a RINO State Senator. See his side-by-side of a typical RINO and his challenger. [122]

The first rule of grassroots anti-evolution social movements: What's behind us in inane evolutionist commentary is NOT important![123]

Is the Question evolution! campaign entering a new phase? If so, what new tactics are being employed by a Question evolution campaign group?

Bradlee Dean has this scathing commentary on Minnesota's gay "marriage" law. [124]

Previous Conservapedia Breaking News

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How to talk about a woman's looks
Salon.com's Irin Carmon thinks President Obama's comments about California Attorney General Kamala Harris (D) were unnecessary.

US Army training manual: Catholics = al-Qaeda

Peter Kirsanow of National Review writes about how the Army Reserve's equal opportunity training brief associates Catholicism with religious extremism.

Show me da money

Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall questions whether or not money has played a role in the decision by multiple Senate Democrats to come out in support of same-sex marriage.


White House promises Obama budget will 'blow your mind'
White House press secretary Jay Carney said Friday that President Obama's soon-to-be unveiled budget will be far more detailed than the Republican counterproposal, reports The Hill's Amie Parnes.

Federal judge lifts restrictions on sale of morning-after pill

A federal judge has ordered the Food and Drug Administration to lift restrictions on sales of the morning-after pill, according to The Hill's Elise Viebeck.

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Lawmakers Pass Bill To Resume Executions In North Carolina

It’s been nearly seven years since the last execution in North Carolina, but that could soon change after the state Senate passed a bill to resume executions in the Tar Heel State.

The halt in executions stemmed largely from challenges to the state’s lethal injection protocol and questions about whether medical professionals can participate in a state-sponsored killing. Additionally, the 2009 Racial Justice Act allowed death row inmates to appeal their conviction if racial bias may have played a role in his or her sentence. A judge would then decide whether to let the capital sentence stand or commute it to life without the possibility of parole.

However, that law’s days may be numbered after the state Senate voted 33-14 on Wednesday to repeal the Racial Justice Act, in addition to enacting other changes to smooth the path to future executions. The bill now moves to the state House, where Republicans enjoy a 77-43 advantage.

WRAL has more:

When it passed, the [Racial Justice Act] was the only one of its kind in the nation. Supporters said it would renew public confidence in the capital punishment system. Detractors said it would clog the courts with appeals.

The original law allowed the use of statistics to prove a pattern of racial bias in jury selection and sentencing. State lawmakers changed that with a major rewrite last year. Senate Bill 306 repeals the remainder of the law.

Whether North Carolina lawmakers recognize it or not, racial bias plays a major role in the criminal justice sentencing system, particularly in the doling out of death sentences. For example, in capital cases, those with at least one white victim were over three times more likely to result in a death sentence than those without a white victim. In addition, as court documents show, potential jurors who were minorities were struck by prosecutors at nearly twice the rate of potential jurors who were white, regardless of qualification. All- or mostly-white juries have been more likely to sentence a black defendant to death. The Racial Justice Act helped address these biases in the system.

North Carolina’s move bucks the national trend towards repealing the death penalty. Six states in as many years have eliminated capital punishment.

As of last year, more than 160 people were on death row in North Carolina.

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Planners Expect Glitches in Health-Exchange Sites

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Hillary Surges, Reince Priebus escalates GOP war on women, Americans demand jobs

Hillary Clinton has taken a commanding position in national politics, and as I wrote in my latest column, it would be spectacular if Bill and Hillary Clinton would work with the Clinton Global Initiative to devise major new jobs proposals.

Meanwhile, both parties should be embarrassed by the latest depressing jobs report. And Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus escalated the GOP war against women with his intellectually dishonest but highly revealing cheap-shot against Planned Parenthood that misrepresented the group's position on abortion.

It was another week in American politics highlighted by the overwhelming and deep yearning by Democrats that Hillary should run for president in 2016, and the overwhelming and powerful support she would receive from Americans if she does.

My hope is that various Democrats who want her to run and would work for her minimize their cable television chants in support of her. Let's give Hillary some time and space and peace for now.

Hopefully, rather than focusing on political tactics and news cycle spin, we focus on creating jobs. The Clintons have a brilliant job-creating (and deficit-reducing) record from the years of the Clinton presidency and can play an extraordinary role in generating new ideas.

Hillary Clinton did say there is much unfinished business regarding the advancement of women and will no doubt be motivated even more by Reince Priebus's clumsy and dishonest attack on Planned Parenthood.

One Planned Parenthood lobbyist did make an unfortunate comment, and Planned Parenthood's national leadership did promptly correct the record and make things right. Priebus should have known better than to imply that Planned Parenthood supports infanticide when the charge is transparently false and dishonest.

He should not lower himself or his party by making scandalous attacks without checking his facts and setting the record straight. He should not be whining like a crybaby about how unfair the media is, and he should instead apologize to Planned Parenthood.

He should never again support Republican Senate candidates who make ignorant comments about rape. He should reflect on why female voters so overwhelmingly reject his party and its candidates.

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Hidden Market Risk: Bird Flu

So to what extent could avian flu become a risk for the entire market?

"Given that people are looking for an excuse to sell the market, you could certainly see some pressure here," said Michael Block, chief equities strategist at Phoenix Partners Group.

In China, "You already have some doubts about whether consumption is hitting a wall," Block said, pointing out that February's retail sales number showed the slowest rate of growth since January 2005. "When you have a situation in which people are afraid to go out in public and shop and be consumers, it's concerning, and brings the domestic growth thesis for China to a grinding halt."

So what stocks should investors look out for?

"The airlines are the obvious ones," Block said. But he also named one stock that could get seriously hurt: Yum. "If no one's going to eat chicken in China," Block said," that's going to be a problem."

RJ Hottovy, who covers the name for Morningstar, agrees. "Yum has done a good job of looking at its supply chain and finding any problems. But if this is a widespread issue, that certainly could have an impact on same-store sales for Yum."

—By CNBC's Alex Rosenberg

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Aether (science)

(Difference between revisions)#[[Maxwell's Equations]] assume events in a space that is evidently void. There must be something to which these properties could be ascribed.  #[[Maxwell's Equations]] assume events in a space that is evidently void. There must be something to which these properties could be ascribed.  #The identification of light with electromagnetic waves performed by [[James Maxwell|C.Maxwell]] shows that the same entity (aether) is implied by at first glance different optical and electromagnetic phenomena thus should be able to unify their interpretation#The identification of light with electromagnetic waves performed by [[James Maxwell|C.Maxwell]] shows that the same entity (aether) is implied by at first glance different optical and electromagnetic phenomena thus should be able to unify their interpretation#The possibility to perceive static "ether sea" which homogeneously penetrates all space of cosmos as absolute frame of reference towards which the Newton's laws of motion are referenced. Ether acquires this special character in [[Hendrik Lorentz|Lorentz]]'s and Larmore's theory however such extrapolation is discouraged by Whitehead as it is rooted in solely speculative entity lacking any experimental evidence.#The possibility to perceive static "ether sea" which homogeneously penetrates all space of cosmos as absolute frame of reference towards which the Newton's laws of motion are referenced. Ether acquires this special character in [[Hendrik Lorentz|Lorentz]]'s and Larmore's theory however such extrapolation is discouraged by Whitehead as it is rooted in solely speculative entity lacking any [[experimental science|experimental]] [[scientific evidence|evidence]].==Politically incorrect term====Politically incorrect term==

At the beginning of 19. century the English polymath T.Yong demonstrated that light behaves like a wave.[1] The luminiferous aether (or ether) is defined to be whatever medium transmits the light waves.

The Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887 failed to detect any motion of the Earth relative to the aether. Henri Poincaré conjectured that the aether may be unobservable, and invented special relativity based on the notion that the aether may be superfluous. Albert Einstein published conflicting opinions on whether the aether exists. According to R.Humphreys Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity not only stem from Maxwell’s work which required existence of ether as one of its postulates, but at bottom they only make sense if space (and time) is some kind of “stuff”. Humphreys portrays Einstein as recanting in 1920 his 1905 denial of the 19th-century idea of an “ether” meant to propagate light waves.[2]

Quantum electrodynamics (QED) teaches that when light goes through a vacuum, it is really going through a sea of virtual particles. Cosmologists say that the vacuum is really filled with dark energy, and it is unknown whether that has any relation to the aether concept. According to these theories, there is no such thing as empty space. The aether describes space when it is as empty as possible.

The existence of luminiferous aether is a counterexample to relativity as it is sometimes described, as it is sometimes said that Einstein abolished the aether.[3]

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A.N. Whitehead states 5 reasons that had provided for long the support for acceptance of aether hypothesis:[4]

The wave theory of light required existence of ether as one of its postulates Maxwell's Equations describe electrostatic and magnetic attractions by means of describing the status changes of ether Maxwell's Equations assume events in a space that is evidently void. There must be something to which these properties could be ascribed. The identification of light with electromagnetic waves performed by C.Maxwell shows that the same entity (aether) is implied by at first glance different optical and electromagnetic phenomena thus should be able to unify their interpretation The possibility to perceive static "ether sea" which homogeneously penetrates all space of cosmos as absolute frame of reference towards which the Newton's laws of motion are referenced. Ether acquires this special character in Lorentz's and Larmore's theory however such extrapolation is discouraged by Whitehead as it is rooted in solely speculative entity lacking any experimental evidence.

YEC creationist R.Humphreys states that in contemporary mainstream science the term ether have become politically incorrect and although there are many various paradoxes in physics that could be addressed by de-facto aether hypothesis, the materialistic scientists are verbally "beating-around-the-bush" and use many code words such as various combinations of: “spacetime,” “continuum,” “manifold,” “quantum vacuum,” “the Vacuum,” “substratum,” “Dirac sea,” “plenum,” and “medium,”—all just to avoid using the word “ether”.[2]

? David Berlinski. "The Reason", The Devil’s Delusion. Basic Books, New York, 2009, 90-93. ISBN 978-0-465-01937-3. “In the early years of the nineteenth century, the English polymath Thomas Young demonstrated that light behaves like a wave. ...Light, they argued, is both like a wave and like a particle, and what is more, it is like wave and like a particle on the level of individual photons themselves.” ? 2.0 2.1 Russell Humphreys. God’s mighty expanse. Creation Ministries International. Retrieved on 2012-10-08. “Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity not only stem from Maxwell’s work, but at bottom they only make sense if space (and time) is some kind of “stuff,” as Einstein finally acknowledged in a little-known speech in 1920.2 The famous limit for the speeds of light and particles, c, could only work if there were a real material to enforce the speed limit. (Why should there be a limit if space were completely empty?) Space could be “warped” or “bent” only if it were actual solid matter. ...Strangely, academic materialists have tried to ignore the physics clues that space is a material, probably for religious and philosophical reasons. They even ignored Einstein’s 1920 recantation (see second item above) of his 1905 denial of the 19th-century idea of an “ether” (or “aether”) meant to propagate light waves. The academics have made the word “ether” politically incorrect. Now that it looks as if the ether idea merely needed a bit more sophistication, physicists use many code words for it, such as various combinations of: “spacetime,” “continuum,” “manifold,” “quantum vacuum,” “the Vacuum,” “substratum,” “Dirac sea,” “plenum,” and “medium,”—all to avoid using the word “ether.” This verbal beating-around-the-bush amuses me. It prevents academics from explaining relativity and quantum mechanics in simple, visualizable terms that solve the various paradoxes. I suspect the academic experts on relativity and quantum theories prefer to keep them arcane and perplexing (to other academics as well), because the mystery makes them the high priests of a secular religion for which the public needs interpreters.”? Moshe Carmeli (2002). Cosmological Special Relativity, The Large-Scale Structure of Space, Time and Velocity, 2nd Edition. World Scientific Publishing, 22. ISBN 9-789-02-4936-5. “...Does this mean that the hypothetical dark matter can be abolished just as the "luminiferous ether" was proved to be superfluous by special relativity?” ? A. N. Whitehead (1919, 1925, 2011). "5.The Ether", An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-60012-6. 

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New Bird Flu Cases Rise in China, Three Deaths

China has found two more cases of a new strain of bird flu and one of the victims has died, state media said on Wednesday, bringing to nine the number of confirmed human infections from the previously unknown flu type.

A 38-year-old cook fell ill early last month while working in the province of Jiangsu, where five of the other cases were found. He died in hospital in Hangzhou city on March 27, the Xinhua news agency reported. Samples tested positive on Wednesday for the new bird flu strain, H7N9.

The second patient, also in Hangzhou, is a 67-year-old who is having treatment. Xinhua said no connection between the two cases had been discovered, and no one in close contact with either patient had developed any flu-like symptoms.

(Read More: For China, New Era Brings New Set of Problems)

The World Health Organization said it was "following the event closely" and was in contact with Chinese authorities, which it said were actively investigating the cases amid heightened disease surveillance.

Flu experts across the world are studying samples isolated from the patients to assess H7N9'S human pandemic potential.

Other strains of bird flu, such as H5N1, have been circulating for many years and can be transmitted from bird to bird, and bird to human, but not generally from human to human.

So far, this lack of human-to-human transmission also appears to be a feature of the H7N9 strain.

Of the seven other cases of the new strain, two have died, both in the business hub of Shanghai. The other five are in a critical condition in hospital in Nanjing. Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou are all close to each other in eastern China.

(Read More: China's Urbanization Leaves Migrant Workers in the Cold)

China's Agriculture Ministry said it had yet to find any animals infected with H7N9, though added it was possible it had been brought to China by migratory birds.

The WHO says so far it has seen no evidence of human-to-human transmission, but there are questions about the source of the infection and about how it may be being transmitted to people.

"We still don't know the mode of transmission or host (of the virus)," said WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl. "Those are the two most important pieces of information we would need. In order to control it, we need to know where it is coming from."

The WHO said in a statement it was also focusing its efforts on encouraging collaboration between researchers to ensure information and materials are available for scientists wanting to develop diagnostic tests, drugs and vaccines.

No vaccine is currently available for H7N9 flu, but preliminary test results provided by the WHO Collaborating Centre in China suggest it is susceptible to the antiviral drugs Tamiflu, sold by the Swiss drugmaker Roche, and Relenza, sold by Britain's GlaxoSmithKline.

Chinese authorities dismissed speculation on some websites that the H7N9 outbreak may be related to more than 16,000 pig carcasses found dumped in rivers around Shanghai.

(Read More: China's 'Internationalization' Won't Be Painless: WTO's Lamy)

Yin Ou, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Agricultural Committee, told reporters on Tuesday that the city had tested 34 dead pigs found in the city's Huangpu River for the H7N9 virus, but the tests had all come back negative.

China has a chequered record when it comes to tackling disease outbreaks, which some officials have previously sought to cover up. However, since the H7N9 cases have been identified, China has stepped up its alert level and said it is being transparent in dealing with them.

In 2003, authorities initially tried to cover up an epidemic of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which emerged in China and killed about a 10th of the 8,000 people it infected worldwide.

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Creationist group's influence GROWING. Atheist wiki flagging


101 evidences for a young earth

Comprehensive resource to refute the claims of evolutionists

Question evolution! campaign - worldwide anti-evolution campaign featuring 15 questions that evolutionists cannot satisfactorily answer]

The Question evolution! campaign is a worldwide anti-evolution campaign and is primarily being conducted in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and South Africa.[1] The focus of the campaign is on 15 Questions that evolutionists cannot satisfactorily answer. The 15 questions can be found HERE.

It's June of 2013. And 2013 is the WORST year in the history of Darwinism - just like we predicted!


10 reasons why 2013 will be a BAD year for Darwinism


5 strategies to collapse Darwinism

Five.pngChina location.png

Can social unrest in Europe lead to a change of their religious landscape? Are creationists poised and in a position to take advantage of this unrest to further grow biblical creation belief in Europe? [2][3]

Europe map.png

Essays on atheism and evolution

Good person test

"I do not seek. I find."

Pablo Picasso

If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.

Baruch Spinoza

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.

Blaise Pascal

Christian apologetics is the defense of the Christian faith through logical arguments. The term comes from the Greek word apologia, which means "defense".

"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven." - Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJ)

“when the wicked perish, there is song,’’ but later warns, “If your enemy falls, do not rejoice.” - The Book of Proverbs.

"The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, But the righteous are bold as a lion." - Proverbs 28:1 (NASB)

Though translation of the New Testament is complete, improvements and ideas are always welcome, and much work remains in the Old Testament.

Find your favorite verses and join the Best of the Public in translating a few!

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Valeant Pharma boosts offer for Obagi to $418M

LONG BEACH, Calif. -- Obagi Medical Products Inc. said Wednesday that Canadian drugmaker Valeant Pharmaceuticals boosted its offer to buy the dermatology products maker, topping a bid made a day ago by a German rival.

Obagi said it struck a deal with Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. that calls for it to pay $24 per share, or a total of about $418.3 million, for the company. The news sent Obagi shares up 10 percent in morning trading.

Obagi said its board has approved the deal and is recommending that stockholders tender their shares in Valeant's offer, which is set to expire on April 23. A spokeswoman for Merz didn't immediately return a call for comment.

The sweetened offer came a day after German drugmaker Merz Pharma Group offered to buy Obagi for $22 per share, or about $383.5 million.

Late last month, Valeant agreed to pay $19.75 per share, or a total of about $343.7 million, for Obagi. Merz said Tuesday that it had been in private talks with Obagi before that deal was announced and wasn't aware that it was considering signing a deal with another company so quickly.

Long Beach, Calif.-based Obagi makes skin anesthetics as well as prescription and over-the-counter treatments for wrinkles, acne, sun damage and other skin problems. It posted sales of $120 million last year.

In morning trading, Obagi shares rose $2.19, or 10 percent, to $25.07, while Valeant's U.S. shares edged up 71 cents to $76.08.

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