Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 6, 2012: The Day Obama Lost

If there is a day to finger for Barack Obama losing the Presidency in 2012, it will be Sunday, May 6, 2012.

On that day, Joe Biden* went on national television and proclaimed himself in favor of gay marriage. It started a media spiral for the President. Two days after Biden spoke, North Carolina voters voted by overwhelming margins to leave marriage alone. The next day, Barack Obama went on national television to devolve back to the position he held prior to running for President.

To a majority of Americans, Barack Obama’s devolution back to earlier years makes no difference. But this is a fifty-fifty nation. Every vote counts. And of those whose are concerned about this issue, at least 20 percent and maybe as high as 25 percent of people say it makes them less likely to vote for Barack Obama — that’s more than those who will be more likely to vote for Barack Obama (and who are probably going to vote for him anyway).

The most recent CBS News – New York Times poll suggests 67% of voters believe the economy is “fairly” or “very” bad and Barack Obama would rather talk about gay marriage and wars on women than the economy. This does not bode well for him.

I have long maintained that Mitt Romney has no prayer without a flailing economy. The public thinks it is flailing. Greece is about to cause a cataclysmic chain reaction. Barack Obama will need every vote he can get. He just took a sizable portion of votes off the table for himself.

Listen to this audio my radio producer put together from the past few weeks of news. The media and the White House would love to talk about anything and everything other than the economy. This is a sign that they all are in on the joke of what a bad economy we are in right now. The President’s team wants to ignore it. After years of accusing the GOP of focusing on cultural issues instead of other issues, the President and press are single minded on cultural issues.

And the one they’ve spent the most time on lately? In most polls it polls at majority support. But those are opinion polls. In actual polls (as in people voting), it loses every time. And all thanks to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, in a very close election, decided to come out on the side that loses every time.

*Okay, in fairness, we could arguably say August 23, 2008, was the day Obama lost his re-election. That’s the day he chose Biden to be veep and we all knew it was only a matter of time . . .

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Narcissist in Chief Adds Himself to Every Presidential Biography (Except Ford)

Many have called President Obama’s election historic, and rightly so. His presidency however, is another matter entirely. It’s historic in a lot of senses be it his record breaking debt accumulation & spending or his being the first president to have a rainbow halo placed on his head. But compared to the historic achievements of other presidents that did things like ending slavery or saving the planet, he falls woefully short.

Unless you ask him.

Via Commentary Magazine:

The Heritage Foundation’s Rory Cooper tweeted that Obama had casually dropped his own name into Ronald Reagan’s official biography on, claiming credit for taking up the mantle of Reagan’s tax reform advocacy with his “Buffett Rule” gimmick. My first thought was, he must be joking. But he wasn’t—it turns out Obama has added bullet points bragging about his own accomplishments to the biographical sketches of every single U.S. president since Calvin Coolidge (except, for some reason, Gerald Ford). Here are a few examples:

On Feb. 22, 1924 Calvin Coolidge became the first president to make a public radio address to the American people. President Coolidge later helped create the Federal Radio Commission, which has now evolved to become the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). President Obama became the first president to hold virtual gatherings and town halls using Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.In a 1946 letter to the National Urban League, President Truman wrote that the government has “an obligation to see that the civil rights of every citizen are fully and equally protected.” He ended racial segregation in civil service and the armed forces in 1948. Today the Obama administration continues to strive toward upholding the civil rights of its citizens, repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, allowing people of all sexual orientations to serve openly in our armed forces.President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare signed (sic) into law in 1965—providing millions of elderly healthcare stability. President Obama’s historic health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, strengthens Medicare, offers eligible seniors a range of preventive services with no cost-sharing, and provides discounts on drugs when in the coverage gap known as the “donut hole.”On August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Today the Obama administration continues to protect seniors and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations.
In a June 28, 1985 speech Reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi-millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffett Rule.

A hashtag game erupted on twitter using #ObamaInHistory as the launchpad to mock the incredible leaps in egotism that this administration has taken.

Some choice favorites cultivated by Twitchy:

Go to twitchy to see the rest.

It is hard to imagine a president more egomaniacal than Bill Clinton. Truly Barack Obama is an historic figure in that sense.

Follow @BenHowe

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Obama NLRB’s Ambush Election Rules Smacked Down By Circuit Court…For Now

On Monday, in a nice victory for America’s union-free workplace, Barack Obama’s pro-union appointees at the National Labor Relations Board had their recently-imposed rules allowing for so-called “ambush” (or “quickie”) union elections overturned by the District Court for the District of Columbia.

In December, the Obama NLRB promulgated new rules (which went into effect on April 30th) that eviscerated an employer’s right to challenge a union’s petition to hold an election on unionizing select groups of employees (called units). This evisceration opened the door for union elections to take place in as little as 17 days from petition filing—down considerably from the NLRB’s median time frame of 38 days.

In its Monday ruling, the District Court cited Woody Allen as it ruled that the NLRB’s December promulgation did not have the required quorum:

According to Woody Allen, eighty percent of life is just showing up. When it comes to satisfying a quorum requirement, though, showing up is even more important than that. Indeed, it is the only thing that matters – even when the quorum is constituted electronically.  In this case, because no quorum ever existed for the pivotal vote in question, the Court must hold that the challenged rule is invalid.

The challenge to the rule was brought by the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace and its litigation partners at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

In a statement, CDW chairman Geoffrey Burr stated:

“Employers are greatly gratified that the Court has overturned a rule that would have been bad for employees and employers and especially hard on small business owners who would have been left with mere days to navigate an often-arcane NLRB process.”

While the Court’s ruling is certainly welcome news for union-free employers and employees alike, it does not mean the issue is dead.

Since the Court’s overturning of the NLRB’s rules were based on the fact that the Board did not have a quorum, the question now becomes: Will the constitutionally-questionable recess appointments Barack Obama made to the NLRB in January have the legal standing to simply re-impose the ambush election rules?

As the attorneys at Labor Relations Today wrote yesterday:

This decision foreshadows the coming showdown over President Obama’s January 2012 “recess” appointments.  Judge Boasberg’s decision strongly suggests that if there is an interest in a fully functional National Labor Relations Board, there must be a fully seated Board — or at least a full quorum of three like-minded Members who will participate in actions.

Renowned labor attorney Michael J. Lotito of the law firm Littler Mendelson summarized the Monday ruling this way:  ”This is not over by a long shot but this was a nice win.”

Related: NLRB Can Revive Speedy Union Vote Rule Judge Threw Out


“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

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The Democrats Train to be Race Baiters #EERS

The Democrats have been taking professional training on how to be race baiters in this election cycle. I’m surprised this hasn’t gotten significant coverage.

I’ll get into it tonight and the logical outcomes of Obamacare start to kick in as Obama starts inserting himself into other Presidents’ biographies.

You can listen live tonight on the WSB live stream from 6:05 pm to 10pm and call in at 1-800-WSB-TALK.

Consider this an open thread. Also, please consider going to to find out how you can help Amy Copeland.

If you are in the Atlanta area and can give blood, please click here right now to register for a spot at the blood donation drive.

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Will VAWA sponsor Joe Biden campaign with wife-beater Charlie Wilson in OH-06?

Yes. Yes, there really is no good answer to that question...

…which is why, of course, I am asking it. The background… comes in three parts:

Vice President Joe Biden, when he was Senator Joe Biden, happened to be a sponsor of the Violence Against Women Act. We’ll pass to one side for a moment the current (as in, this week) controversy over the latest iteration of the law – it’s up for reauthorization – to specifically note, again, that this was Biden’s baby, as it were.Charlie Wilson is known mostly for three things (four, if you count the fact that he’s often confused with the infinitely better Democratic Charlie Wilson from Texas); he was the former Congressman from OH-06; Charlie Wilson of Ohio is an admitted wife-beater; and Charlie Wilson of Ohio is unaccountably running for Congress again.Guess where Joe Biden will be stumping for the President, this week? That’s right! OH-06! Also OH-17 (Youngstown), but Thursday Biden will be making a speech Thursday at an auto dealership in Martin’s Ferry.

Which, as has been privately pointed out to me, leads to a fascinating set of questions. Will Charlie Wilson be making an appearance at this event? If Wilson does show, will we be treated to the spectacle of seeing the Vice President and sponsor of anti-spousal abuse legislation praise a guy who was a poster child for why we might have needed the legislation in the first place? If Wilson does not show, will the administration come clean about why the wife-beater wasn’t invited to his party’s own in-district campaign event? In either case, will the press bring up the inherent rhetorical contradictions that this entire scenario represents?

No, wait, I know the answer to that last one already.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Hey, you know something? Bill Johnson (R, OH-06) STILL doesn’t beat his wife!

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House Republicans Still Hate Spending Cuts

Last week, the House passed H.R. 5326, the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, by a vote of 247-163, providing $51.131 billion in discretionary appropriations for fiscal year 2013. That’s $1.61 billion or 3% below the amount of funding provided for these programs in fiscal year 2012–and $731 million or 1.4% below the amount requested by the president for fiscal year 2013.

Not terrible, but clearly there was room to cut more spending, right? Surely House Republicans realized that Americans want them to cut more spending than 3%–and be more than 1.4% below where President Obama is, right?


Well, some conservative amendments did indeed pass. See these, for example:

Diane Black (R-TN) – Prohibits the use of funds by the Attorney General to sue states over their immigration laws. Passed 238-173.Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) – Prohibits DOJ from using funds to defend Obamacare. Passed 229-194.Paul Broun (R-GA) – Cuts $181,000 from the Marine Mammal Commission. Passed by voice vote.Bill Flores (R-TX) – Prohibits funding to continue the ban on federal procurement of unconventional fuels. Passed 250-173.Trey Gowdy (R-SC) – Cut $1 million from the DOJ Administrative Account for Fast and Furious Program. Passed by voice vote.Rep Andy Harris (R-MD) – Cut $542,000 from NOAA Climate Website. Passed 219-189.Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) – Prohibits the use of funds by DOJ in contravention of the Defense of Marriage Act. Passed 245-171.Ben Quayle (R-AZ) – Blocks Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance that limits employers from looking at criminal records. Passed by voice vote.David Schweikert (R-AZ) – Prohibits the use of funds by the Attorney General to sue states over their voter ID laws. Passed 232-190.Joe Walsh (R-IL) – Prohibits funding for sanctuary cities. Passed by voice vote.Daniel Webster (R-FL) – Prohibits funding for the American Community Survey. Passed 232-190.

But check out these conservative amendments that failed–and by how much they failed:

Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) – 1% across-the-board cut to discretionary spending. Defeated 160-251.Paul Broun (R-GA) – A 3% cut to all salaries and expenses—as well as administrative costs—in the bill, for a total savings of $847 million. Defeated 137-270.Paul Broun (R-GA) – 12.2% across-the-board cut, exempting US Marshals, FBI, and NASA. Defeated 105-307.Paul Broun (R-GA) – Cuts $15 million from the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery program. Defeated 168-239.Jeff Flake (R-AZ) – Cuts the National Science Foundation to fiscal year 2008 levels, for a total savings of $1.2 billion. Defeated 121-291.Bill Huizenga (R-MI) – Strikes the provision that bans public-private sector competition within the Bureau of Prisons and Federal Prison Industries. Defeated 199-211.Tom McClintock (R-CA) – Cuts $277.8 million from the International Trade Administration. Defeated 121-287.Mike Pompeo (R-KS) – Eliminates all funding for the Economic Development Agency (EDA), for a total savings of $219.5 million. Defeated 129-279.Ben Quayle (R-AZ) – Eliminates funding for the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia, for a total savings of $21 million. Defeated 147-259.Steve Scalise (R-LA) – Reduces Economic Development Administration funding to fiscal year 2008 levels, for a total savings of $18.2 million. Defeated 174-233.Austin Scott (R-GA) – Eliminates all funding for the Legal Services Corporation, for a total savings of $328 million. Defeated 122-289.Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) – Cuts $128 million from the Legal Services Corporation. Defeated 165-246.

Are you kidding me?

House Republicans can’t come together to cut an additional 1%? Not $128 million from the much-hated Legal Services Corporation? Not $15 million from a salmon program?

House Republicans are still deaf to your requests to cut more spending. Make sure they hear you.

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Tech at Night: Cybersecurity action in the Senate, Soros squad on the move

Tech at Night

In case you missed it, Friday’s Tech at night featured Q&A with Rep. Steve Scalise. Don’t miss is now.

Team Soros, assemble! Remember when it was “wrong” for AT&T to get spectrum by buying T-Mobile? Remember when I said it should be allowed because the Obama administration and the radicals were making it too hard to get spectrum any other way? Vindication, baby: The left unites to fight Verizon buying spectrum another way. Before the excuse was to prevent industry consolidation. Well, Verizon is buying from cable companies, not wireless phone providers.

Note that Verizon has strongly refuted their claims, including the dangerous, crypto-socialist idea that the FCC should be allowed to dictate to Verizon and Comcast an alternate transaction. Such as one to benefit T-Mobile.

Shocker! FTC changing the rules as it goes to suit its aim to grab more power. Every single regulatory agency is dangerously out of control under Barack Obama.

The Cybersecurity war is on now in the Senate. The House passed CISPA along with Darrell Issa’s FISMA reform. CISPA won’t past the Senate over an Obama veto threat though, and given the strong Republican opposition to Lieberman-Collins in the Senate, I can’t imagine it’d pass the House. So the fight is on to undermine Republican bills.

Incredibly, simply incredibly, it’s been declared that the McCain-Hutchison-Johnson SECURE IT is worse than Lieberman-Collins, even though the latter bill is the one that gives the President ‘emergency’ powers over the Internet, in a stunning threat to fundamental property rights in America. The Internet Kill Switch is there in all but name, but once again, attacking Republicans is paramount with these folks.

I’m also concerned that John Kyl and Roy Blunt are threatening to undermine the coalition behind John McCain on this. It’s an old point, but if you can get John McCain, Ron Johnson, and Kay Bailey Hutchison behind the same bill, and they’re all opposed to the Democrat alternative, then it’s time for the whole caucus to fall in line, because it’s probably a common sense bill. And it is.

LightSquared goes boom. Losing Sprint was too much. I’m still torn on this. The firm’s opposition to FCC transparency was a great, big, red flag that something was amiss, but greater 4G competition would have been nice. Also, LightSquared’s satellite service is the kind of thing that’s useful to put pressure on other firms like the oft-maligned HughesNet.

If Google has so many smart people, why are they still using blog shutdown metrics that allow so many false positives?

Copyright infringers beware: the Netherlands and Microsoft’s new Pirate Pay DoS effort are after you.

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Whether It’s Deb Fischer or Don Stenberg, It’s About Jon Bruning

I like Don Stenberg. He’s a friend. He’s been a great leader in Nebraska. I’d like to see him in the Senate. But over the past month, as Stenberg and Bruning have gone nuclear with each other, Deb Fischer has run up the middle and may very well win the Nebraska Primary today.

I’d gladly support her.

It seems that in the withering back and forth fight with Bruning, Stenberg has lost momentum. Sarah Palin came in and endorsed Deb Fischer. Several anti-earmark groups joined in. And she is in a prime position today to win.

The Nebraska race has always been about beating Jon Bruning. He got rich in office, has a volatile temper, and sure evolved into a conservative quickly when he wanted his next office. If it can’t be Stenberg, I hope it will be Fischer.

I don’t think Fischer will be as conservative as Stenberg, but given the pedigree of Nebraska Senators, she’ll be far better than either a Chuck Hagel or a Jon Brunning. And Fischer, unlike Bruning, would never, ever support Eric Holder.

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Obama insults his base with his ‘second term’ wish list.

He'll get away with it, of course.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) Apparently the President wants to spend his extremely hypothetical second term doing the following:

Repealing DOMA;Passing another DREAM Act;‘Reforming’ Wall Street; and‘Investing’ in schools.

Now, I’m not going to fall into the trap of getting sidelined discussing the merits of any or all of those proposals*. Instead, I’m going to ask: just how stupid does President Obama think Democrats are, anyway? From 2009 to 2011 the Democratic Party had between 256 to 258 votes in the House, and 57 to 60 in the Senate. If the President was such a blithering incompetent leader that he couldn’t pass wish-list legislation then, in what alternate universe could anyone legitimately expect him to pass a similar list in any hypothetical future administration? – Because the Democrats aren’t going to enjoy that kind of lopsided majorities in Congress again any time soon. In fact, starting next January they’re probably not going to enjoy a majority in Congress at all.

You know, I’m used to the President lying to me. It’s a thing. I’ve almost grown comfortable with it. But Obama lying to his own base is pretty darn low-rent of him. Especially since he’s just doing it to get money out of them…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*And, according to the Fox News article, the Romney campaign isn’t taking the bait either.

Romney and the Republican National Committee, though, are sticking to the issues of the economy and spending. The Republican National Committee released a new web video Monday slamming Obama for his “broken promises” on deficits and debt.

Which is, of course, the right call to make.

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Morning Briefing for May 15, 2012

RS MB CleanMasthead

RedState Morning Briefing
May 15, 2012Go to to get
the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.

If there is a day to finger for Barack Obama losing the Presidency in 2012, it will be Sunday, May 6, 2012.

On that day, Joe Biden* went on national television and proclaimed himself in favor of gay marriage. It started a media spiral for the President. Two days after Biden spoke, North Carolina voters voted by overwhelming margins to leave marriage alone. The next day, Barack Obama went on national television to devolve back to the position he held prior to running for President.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

In a long election season, it’s never wise to get too high or too low over any one poll. Presidential elections are won at the state level, but statewide polling is fairly sporadic at this stage of the race, so we’re stuck reading national polls a lot. But the latest poll is bad news for President Obama.

We all know the major issues by now to look for with individual polls: some polls are adults, and are totally useless, because only registered voters can vote. Polls of likely voters, in turn, are vastly more accurate and less Democratic-biased than polls of registered voters, many of whom also don’t show up to vote. Most polls are also reported after weighting to achieve some guesstimate of the partisan breakdown of the general electorate among Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Even polls that don’t feature egregious hackery are an inexact science, because they rest on the pollster’s current assumptions about the D/R/I split and the ‘screen’ they use to decide who is a likely voter. If the shape of the electorate is not as projected, the poll will be wrong.

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Another day, another socialist takes to the New York Times to denounce capitalism. With his criticism — he is a professional critic, which is a job no socialist society would really see value in except as an agenda of propaganda, but he thrives in the capitalist society he condemns — he premises it on some sort of morality. He mocks Christians for embracing capitalism with no understanding of Christianity or even a real understanding of capitalism.

But his critique is filled with the usual, and totally unoriginal leftist pablum about the evils of profit motive, etc. while ignoring arms length transactions, how the free market, unlike any other economic system, has elevated so many out of poverty, etc.

Along the way, we keep hearing something from these leftists, whether it be Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, or the Hollywood crowd is that the rich need to “give back” and “pay their fair share.”

They’re just as happy to quote a secular philosopher as they are the Bible. Elizabeth Warren famously said that the factory owner wants us to ignore the people who built the roads or ran the phone lines, etc. She, however, wants to ignore the factory owner’s idea, success, and hiring record — providing jobs to people to build his product.

But all of that misses the larger point.

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Obama has decided that he’d like to tussle with Romney in the economic playground this week, releasing an ad that has echoes of Gingrich’s SuperPAC spots but with even less factual basis. It’s cleverly named “Steel.”

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Kris Barrett, the politically active spouse of Tom Barrett, current mayor of Milwaukee and the Democratic nominee running against Gov. Scott Walker, has been caught using her taxpayer funded e-mail account to lobby and campaign for Democratic candidates and causes. Mrs. Barrett is a public school teacher and last year she was employed by Milwaukee Public Schools, Wisconsin’s largest school district. The district has two policies that prohibit employees from using any government resources, including e-mail addresses, for political purposes.

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