Monday, October 14, 2013


Obama is more like a dictator than Vladimir Putin, as Putin observes: "Assange and Snowden consider themselves human rights activists and say they are fighting for the spread of information. Ask yourself this: should you hand these people over so they will be put in prison?" [1]

Russia to Obama and John Kerry: stop lying about Russia's role concerning Edward J. Snowden. Vladimir Putin said Russia wouldn't extradite him anyway. [2]

A former Senate candidate offers his alternative immigration reform plan. [3]

Reddit is seeing its web traffic plunge in 2013. The year 2013 is the WORST year in the history of atheism/Darwinism just like Question evolution! campaign fans predicted![4]

Salon publishes an article which declares: Christopher "Hitchens’ “God Is Not Great” is an intellectually shameful book". Why are atheists so low-class and so low brow?[5]

Liberal John Kerry says that Russia should hand over Obama's nemesis to the Obama Administration. [6] And he's only one example of liberal hypocrites who now talk about "rule of law" after standing for its opposite – during a previous administration. [7]

A grassroots activist asks sobering questions about Edward J. Snowden and his motives, in light of unproven allegations about acts beyond revealing to the public that the American government spies on its own citizens. [8]

Switzerland, a beacon of European creationism, has the world's most competitive economy. The United States, a land filled with creationists, is expected to dominate the world economy for years. [9]

Christianity has great depth and sophistication. Also, 7 reasons why atheism has developed a reputation of being low-class and "low brow". [10]

Reuters: "For Obama, a world of Snowden troubles ... Leaders Obama has wooed - and met recently - were willing to snub the American president."[11]

Pew Research Center: 'Incompetent' and 'liar' are now among the top 5 most frequently used words to describe President Barack Hussein Obama. [12]

Edward J. Snowden apparently lost confidence in the Rule of Law of the amoral communist China and Hong Kong, packed his bags and headed for the increasingly Christian and conservative Russia.

The South China Morning Post reported this morning that Snowden may be en route to Iceland or Ecuador while others have said he is bound for Venezuela via Havana, Cuba. [13]

Mashable admits one of the internet's largest atheist communities, Reddit atheism, has developed a reputation of being "low brow" over the years by "some" (translation: by people who are not "low brow").[14]

Bold evangelism is seeing results in India. 75 - 100 people became Christians in an Indian village. Reports of the miraculous occurring.[15]

Atheist wiki drops in global market share while saw an increase in global market share.[16]

Liberal claptrap of the week: "Hillary Clinton wants a female president ‘in my lifetime.’" [17] Translation: Hillary lacks any good reasons for seeking the presidency.

A candidate in a special Senate election may not showcase her own good works in her campaign. Why not? Blame the IRS – and the late Lyndon Baines Johnson. [18]

Mimolette Cheese, a French cheese eaten safely for hundreds of years, is suddenly deemed unsafe by the nannycrats of the Barack Hussein Obama Administration.[19]

Bradlee Dean, speaking out about an attack on one of his teams, calls on America to stop asking permission to obey God. [20]

Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.” So Mrs. Clinton would never have been born if abortion had been available. [21]

Liberal double standard: an offensive racial joke by an Obama Cabinet official is somehow not racism, [22] yet the liberal media crucified golfer Sergio Garcia for making an offhand joke about Tiger Woods.

"My Deerest; another tale of evolution" [23]

Hate speech is always defended when a liberal does it. [24]

A New Jersey activist reaches a stunning conclusion: the PRISM system has always been Barack Hussein Obama's ace, and we must shut it down. [25]

Announcing a new grassroots organization evoking the life of Judge Deborah: Women of Faith in Action. [26]

NY Times fact-checkers are unfamiliar with the Bible, and had to issue this correction to a David Brooks column: An earlier version of this column incorrectly identified the biblical texts in which three figures — Saul, David and Esther — appear. Their stories are told in other books of the Jewish Bible, but not in the Torah. The column also incorrectly described a passage from I Corinthians that ends with the statement, “God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” It was written by Paul, not spoken by Jesus. [27]

Retired investigators of TWA Flight 800, downed a few months before Bill Clinton's reelection in 1996, say that the government "falsified" the findings. [28] Recall that the Clinton Administration imprisoned one reporter for trying to determine the truth.

Bradlee Dean warns Barack Hussein Obama of a Biblical truism: you reap what you sow. [29]

A congressional human rights committee in Brazil approves legislation to authorize psychologists to treat and cure homosexuality. [30] The homosexual agenda continues its decline globally.

Conservative "Rand Paul: Youth with me on NSA issue." [31] "They see [Obama] now as a hypocrite," the likely 2016 presidential candidate observes.

An ugly chapter in the Republican primary for the special Senate election in New Jersey came to a close today. An Administrative Law Judge ruled that Alieta Eck, a newcomer who dared challenge the political establishment, can stay on the ballot. [32]

"Remembering Jesus, really remembering!" by Bishop Bert: [33]

Chinese dissident claims communist China now controls U.S. academia: [34]

State Senator Elbert Guillory of Louisiana becomes another ex-Democrat after seeing that party for what it really is. [35][36] “At the heart of liberalism is the idea that only a great and powerful big government can be the benefactor of social justice for all Americans. But the left is only concerned with one thing: control. And they disguise this control as charity.”

AT&T iPhone Users Forced to Receive Obama Alerts Which Can't Be Turned Off. [37] First the Verizon phone calls scandal and now this.[38]

Russia, fed up with Obama's pushing of the homosexual agenda on its own country, tells Obama to quit trying to overthrow the leadership in Syria. [39]

Edward J. Snowden continues to stand up against Obama by declaring today on a live newspaper blog, "Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped." [40] Why are liberals like Obama so opposed to the public learning the truth?

Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons discusses the Internal Revenue Service administering ObamaCare. [41]

Is the reason why atheists are more likely to commit suicide that so many of them have bad relationships with their earthly father and their heavenly father?[42] See: Paul Vitz and Atheism and suicide

If Barack Hussein Obama likes Father's Day so much, then why is the Obama Administration striving so hard to have lesbians get "married".[43]

"Britain's biggest climate problem is with cold winters that lead to thousands of excess deaths." [44] Yet liberal denial continues about the hoax of a global warming crisis.

The world's biggest population of atheists run by secular leftists may implode under crushing debt in about 6 months. Hard landing may be in store for China's economy. [45][46]

Expect the explosive growth of Christianity in China to continue. Biblical Christianity thrives under economic adversity.[47]

‘Natural’ or ‘unnatural’ human behaviour? Many evolutionists consider much of today’s human behaviour ‘unnatural’ — except when it comes to homosexual ‘marriage’.[48]

Now the Obama Administration pretends they do not know where Edward J. Snowden is, perhaps to avoid criticism if Obama tried to extradite him now. [49]

Today, a Question evolution! campaign blog went over 450,000 page views. Also, 20-30 young people will be reading the newest draft of the Question evolution! campaign book for middle school students.[50]

Dr. Joseph James Kennedy: Deceit: the Modus Operandi of Evolution.[51]

Vetoed! Conservative Texas Governor Rick Perry vetoes more than two dozen bills passed by RINOs. [52] Will Perry run for the presidency next?

The President of Equatorial Guinea has warned African leaders not to tolerate, accept or allow the issue of homosexuality to get roots in their countries. Also, 7 reasons why homosexuals have lower moral standards.[53]

News from the Left Coast: "'Less liberal' is the new conservative," as Dems find it necessary to restrain reckless spending by other Dems. [54]

In New Jersey, candidate Steve Lonegan wages an ugly fight before an Administrative Law Judge against a prospective primary opponent. [55][56] A grassroots activist today begs him to knock it off. [57]


Happy Flag Day: "A yearly contemplation of our flag strengthens and purifies the national conscience." — President Calvin Coolidge

God gives victory when His people fight, especially in His Name. [58]

Liberal policies have destroyed Detroit, and now the city defaults on its debt. [59] It may pay only pennies on the dollar to its creditors.

New Jersey grassroots activists have reason to cheer: two genuine conservatives in a Republican special primary for the United States Senate. [60]

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Atheism will fold like an accordion in the 4th largest atheist population in the world.[61]

Russians overwhelmingly reject liberal values on homosexuality. Lawmakers pass anti-homosexuality bill in a 435-0 vote. Weak gay activists are easily overpowered by police.[62]

Liberal denial continues: Joe Biden denies that George W. Bush defeated Al Gore for president in 2000, and the liberal media praises Biden for his denial! [63]

Southern Baptist Convention blasts Boy Scouts over stance on homosexuality, votes to encourage defectors. [64]

America's first atheist monument to stand outside Florida courthouse.[65]

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) deputy director Michael Morell has "decided to spend more time with his family" and resign post terror attack in Benghazi.[66]

Why moderates leave an acrid taste in a conservative's mouth. [67]

The modern civil rights movement consists of "demoralizers of the faith" – a far cry from Martin Luther King's day. [68]

The Mainstream Media always ignore this key fact about any mass murder story they cover: it happens in a gun-free zone. [69]

Pope Francis plans to purge the Vatican of the "gay lobby," and speaks candidly about the problem. [70] Why aren't Republican Party leaders as candid?

James Clapper, head of the NSA and now under-fire, said in March that he had no knowledge of the massive phone and email collecting by his agency. [71]

The socialist "paradise" of Venezuela is now on the brink of hyperinflation. [72]

Love Obamacare now? If you live in Ohio, your health insurance premiums went up 88% percent. [73]

NSA officials overheard on how to cause Edward Snowden to be "disappeared". [74]

From the IRS "Keep your religious beliefs to yourself." [75] "You cannot, you know, use your religious belief to tell other people you don’t have a belief, so I don’t believe you need the right to do this, start confrontation, protesting, uh, prot, uh, don’t apply for tax exemption."

The bright Patriots head coach treats the liberal media with disdain in dismissing their inane hostility to Tim Tebow, on his first day of practice. [76]

Is Edward J. Snowden, who revealed the breathtaking extent of how our government monitors us, a hero, or a traitor? Judge for yourself. [77]

The world's biggest mental health research institute is abandoning the new version of psychiatry's "Bible" (DSM-5).[78]

Great Conservative Sports Star Tim Tebow is reportedly joining the New England Patriots, from where he will be able to crush twice-a-year the liberal New York team that cut him. [79] God does indeed have a sense of humor.

Why is big government a Goliath and why should you fear it? Start with watching a girl with cystic fibrosis nearly die from some arcane rule, while the government waives said rule for a big campaign donor. Then remember a little bit of history. [80]

Homeschooling surge underway: Education at home is growing seven times faster than K-12 enrollment. The homeschool option makes perfect sense, "significantly higher ACT-Composite scores as high schoolers and higher grade point averages as college students." [81]

Michael Reagan: Reform the U.S. tax code. [82]

The joke sport of "rhythmic gymnastics" is part of the 2020 Olympic Games roster.[83]

Union jack.jpg

Britain has a debt-to-revenue ratio of 212%. Britain's external debt to GDP ratio was 390% in 2011.[84]

How long will you keep Charles Darwin on your currency Britain? How long will you run inefficient Darwinism indoctrinating public schools? Behold! Creationism will grow mightily in your land!

Multi-ethnic, Bible-believing church is adding 40-50 new members a year via the internet. Also, will a "God-ordained meeting" prove to yield more fruit than boring atheist meetings led by boring, white, atheist males? [85]

Conservative Rand Paul may challenge the privacy-invading conduct of the Obama Administration in court. [86] Even a few Dems express their opposition to the Big Brother program.

Promoters of marijuana are quiet about the arrest Saturday of a crane operator charged with causing the deaths of 6 people while under the alleged influence of the drug. [87] Authorities still conceal how much pot was in the system of "College Weed Dealer" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. [88]

Trust the government? How can we in light of the recent scandals? [89]

Leftist vie for the Dem nomination for the special U.S. Senate election in New Jersey, with Rush Holt and media-promoted Cory Booker jumping into the race. [90]

Tag team of scientists show why the eye is still a thorn in the side of Darwinists.[91]

Protecting Christians in populist Muslim countries.[92]

Who is the enemy of the people? Barack Hussein Obama? Or institutions that enable him? [93]

Psychiatry and Darwinism: Pseudosciences in crisis.[94][95]

Primal scream therapy? A liberal evolutionist must have come up with that one!

Marijuana apparently killed again: six deaths in a building collapse have been traced back to a demolition equipment operator who, accordingly to toxicology reports, was allegedly high on pot. [96]

A Great Conservative Sports Star, the center who led the Ravens offense to the Super Bowl victory, declined to attend the White House celebration because Obama is so pro-abortion. [97] Obama-supported "Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year," Matt Birk observed.

"Reading by Bumps: How to navigate the Hebrew Braille Bible, and not go to prison" by Bishop Bert [98]

Obama administration mining Facebook data to predict crimes.[99]

New York City Mayor candidate Anthony Weiner and the New York Times are tying to rehabilitate his sleazy image, but Michelle Malkin has doubts that it will work.[100]


Barack Hussein Obama flip-flops on the Patriot Act.[101]

Why do liberals, RINOs and Darwinist posers like to flip-flop so often?[102][103] Lack of convictions?

"The administration has now lost all credibility..."
And this statement comes from the editorial board of the New York Times, a liberal newspaper. [104][105]

The NSA's domestic spying - and they are spying on Americans - violates the Fourth Amendment. [106]

A Tea Party activist denounces Chris Christie for calling a special election instead of simply appointing an interim United States Senator. (And calling a special election so fast most candidates won't have time to qualify.) [107] While we're at it: is Chris Christie really a Republican? [108]

Robert Bauer: former White House Counsel, who could be the one most responsible for the IRS targeting of the Tea Party and conservatives in general. [109]

10-year old boy fends off armed home intruders with a gun.[110]

Remember this Father's Day: The left's policies are undermining the family.[111]

The Common Core State Standards for education are unconstitutional and illegal. See here for all the laws they violate. [112]

BREAKING NEWS: Steve Lonegan will start at once to gather signatures to get on the primary ballot in the New Jersey special Senate election. [113][114]

Chris Christie called a special election to fill Frank Lautenberg's Senate seat to benefit one man only: himself. And why is he drawing big money from prominent Democratic Party financiers? [115]

The Obama administration is as transparent as a tar pit.[116] American conservatives, like the ones in Florida and Texas, like the refreshing, clear waters of government transparency.

The IRS discriminates because they are a bunch of self-serving, liberal, money grubbers.[117] Eliminate the IRS and slash U.S federal government spending.

Real austerity and not "faux austerity" will help European economies.[118] How long will the liberal heathen rage and deny the obvious?

What's really "transparent" about Barack Hussein Obama? His war on America, and American women, that's what. [119]

Conservative landslide victory Tuesday, by a remarkable 67-27% margin, for an open congressional seat in Missouri. [120]

Tyranny gets a new face today. It is not just the IRS. It is the Democratic Party Caucus of the United States House of Representatives. [121]

BREAKING NEWS: Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey will not name an interim United States Senator immediately. He will call a special election, to take place this October, to name a replacement for the late Senator Frank Lautenberg. [122]

New Jersey voters! Vote today. A Tea Party group publishes its last list of endorsements in races from sheriff to township council. [123]

The lamestream media admit that Tim Tebow is being excluded not primarily because of his quarterbacking skills. [124] Why should the public support the NFL as it discriminates against outspoken Christians?

Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) died Monday. Now Governor Chris Christie must appoint someone to replace him. Whom will that be? [125][126]

Liberal hatred of the First Amendment: [127]

Evolutionists failed to overturn Louisiana pro-creationism law - again! Also, another creationist mother is eager to have her daughter read a draft of the Question evolution! campaign book for middle school students.[128]

Forbes: Religion is an essential driver of economic growth. Evangelicalism is improving the cultures of third world countries and boosting their economies. [129]

UN Agenda 21 threatens San Francisco Bay. But two activists are preparing to sue to fight it. [130]

Liberal censorship continues, by making a big deal out of an offhand reference to "no homo" by a triumphant basketball player. [131] But there's no exception to the First Amendment allowing censorship to promote the homosexual agenda.

Anti-Darwinism has now entered into a mainstream public university. Indiana's Ball State University is now offering a course which is intelligent design friendly.[132]

Same-sex marriage is defeated in the liberal state of Illinois, despite Obama's push for it in his home state. [133] Has Obama become irrelevant?

The academic journal Sociology of Religion shows secularism losing momentum and beginning to decline in both Europe and America by 2050. Other academic research shows it may begin to happen much earlier.[134]

August 2012: A summer of triumph for biblical creation belief. Will August 2013 be a watershed month as well?[135]

Media-promoted Tiger Woods "shot his worst nine-hole score as a professional" but afterward his comments were again self-serving: "I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled out there." [136] Actually, Woods' score is worse than 69 other players.

The number of adherents of liberal Christianity who will be spit out of Jesus's mouth will be many.[137]

The country with the world's biggest atheist population is very interested in information debunking Darwinism.[138]

The IRS and the White House definitely worked together. The visitor logs show how often IRS Commissioner Shulman visited – and how rarely anyone else did with whom he would have had meetings, of not with Barack Obama. [139]

A Tea Party activist withdraws his earlier call for a temporary criminal registry, in wake of the scandals surrounding the Internal Revenue Service. This is the same agency that will police Obamacare. [140]

Eric Holder gave a private party for his friends in the Mainstream Media, and less than half of them showed up. What does that say about those who did? [141]

After cutting Tim Tebow, the New York Jets now try to stop the building of a family amusement park. [142] Why should the increasingly anti-Christian NFL receive favoritism??

Associated Press reports that Americans may lose the health plan they like under Obamacare.[143]

Student Loan money profits are being siphoned off to pay for ObamaCare.[144]

An activist advises people to elect a sheriff who remembers his Constitutional duty to those who elect him. [145]

1960s liberalism is not only financially unsustainable, but its champions are a dying breed.[146]

Understanding gold market dynamics.[147]

Evolutionary racism directed towards an accomplished footballer puts a sour note on a football game.[148] Why are so many liberals racists?

Media bullying alert: the lamestream media spend all day picking on undefeated conservative Michele Bachmann, who repeatedly won in a liberal district. Rather their cheap criticism, the media should be asking why they could never defeat her.

Wikipedia continues to lose influence in the world in 2013.[149] Also, interest in Project 200 plus keeps expanding.

Undefeated five-term congressman Michele Bachmann announces that she will retire from her position, and may run for higher office. [150] The liberal machine was never able to defeat her in a Dem state.

Professor attacked by liberals. His "crime"? Teaching students to think for themselves. [151]

Judge-Shopping, or, How Eric Holder Got Away With Spying On A Reporter's Emails: [152]

The liberal nanny mayor of New York City doesn't like street cafes now. [153]

The IRS scandal that the news is not covering, because it's tied in with Obamacare: [154]

Eric Holder now faces investigation for perjury before Congress. Is Barack Hussein Obama paying attention? [155]

France struggles to find a strategy to turn around their economy even though it is right under their nose.[156] The Bible, Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek

Many things happen in life that cannot be explained by science or philosophy. Atheists and agnostics self intellectually cripple themselves and are clueless about much of reality.[157]

Example of how modern conservatism is more conservative than Republicans from yesteryear: Bob Dole, Republican nominee in 1996, admits that "Reagan couldn't have made it. Certainly, Nixon couldn't have made it .... We might've made it, but I doubt it." [158]

A United States Senator finally says it: Barack H. Obama is throwing away his moral authority to lead. But in fact he never had legal authority to lead, either. [159]

Conservapedia pauses in prayer (not a liberal "moment of silence") in honor of Memorial Day. keeps getting smited! Has a plague of locusts eaten Richard Dawkins' daily website visitors?[160]

How long will you refuse to humble yourself before the Lord, Richard Dawkins?

Google USA estimates 101,000,000 search results for the search "Evolution and just so stories".[161]

"President Obama forgets to salute," but the lamestream media downplay gaffes by liberals. [162]

Another study finds that obesity may decrease brain function.[163] See also: Atheism and obesity and Lesbianism and obesity

Have liberal policies destroyed Sweden? "Stockholm rioting continues for fifth night." [164]

The inventor of the concept "Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder" admitted, before he died, that he made the whole thing up. Think about that when the school district tells you to drug your kids. [165]

Dems admit they lack the votes to pass their amnesty-for-illegal-aliens bill, where 60 votes are the minimum needed in the U.S. Senate. [166]

The cold temperatures this spring have even hurt the sale of sporting goods. [167] Yet liberal denial about the cold weather persists, in order to perpetrate a fictional global warming.

Obama's paternalistic, sexist reference Thursday to a heckler as a "young lady" is no problem for the liberal media, [168] but an Hispanic golfer's offhand racial quip about Tiger Woods is unforgivable.

The BBC News opened a story with this nonsense: “A study of Neanderthal skulls suggests that they became extinct because they had larger eyes than our species.”[169] Why does Darwinism spawn such lame just so stories?

Thomas Sowell recommends parents having their children read the book The New Leviathan which has a number of essays which debunk various liberal sacred cows.[170]

Expert says that the discovery of a 20-year long rainfall in Ireland points to the Great Flood of the Bible being historical.[171]

Why do so many faux Christians deny the Great Flood and try to turn it into a non-Great Flood?[172] Did Jesus, Peter and Moses lie?[173]

A description of "Common Core Education," the harm it can do, and a list of New Jersey primary candidates pledged to stop it. [174]

Classic communist tactic by the Obama Administration: it files a document in court alleging that a reporter at Fox News is a possible co-conspirator in the "crime" of informing the public. [175] In fact this goes back further – to Henry II. Are we all Thomas Becket now? [176]

Teen awarded for improved capacitor - Intel gave a $50,000 scholarship to a girl whose titanium dioxide capacitor can store almost three times as much electrical energy as previous capacitors and is intended as a battery alternative. [177]

Most mainstream media got the story wrong, claiming incorrectly that her invention can charge a cell phone battery in 30 seconds. (Charging a battery too quickly reduces its life, which is why Motorola and Samsung and the rest keep the amperage low.)

Franklin Graham, one of America's most prominent evangelical Christians, says the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service included two of his ministries.[178]

Are many evangelical Christian churches primarily growing in America due to birth rates or due to evangelism?[179]

"Quiverfull" evangelical Christianity, which does not believe in contraception, is now spreading in the UK.[180] In the past 30 years, the number of Anabaptists in North America, including the Amish, has grown significantly, from 313,000 baptized members in 1978 to more than 535,000 in 2010. [181]

Unfortunately for militant atheists, secularist philosophy breeds sub-replacement levels of fertility. See: Decline of atheism

Reuters reports: "Europe is in the midst of its longest recession since it began keeping records in 1995 — even surpassing the calamity that hit the region in the financial crisis of 2008-2009."[182]

Turkey, a world leader in anti-evolutionism, had its Moody’s credit rating upgraded to investment-grade quality. [183][184]

What is the real IRS scandal? It's the tax code itself. [185]

A video was recently produced on the topic "Why Christianity and the Bible are true." [186]

Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women?[187]

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Obama is more like a dictator than Vladimir Putin, as Putin observes: "Assange and Snowden consider themselves human rights activists and say they are fighting for the spread of information. Ask yourself this: should you hand these people over so they will be put in prison?" [1]

Russia to Obama and John Kerry: stop lying about Russia's role concerning Edward J. Snowden. Vladimir Putin said Russia wouldn't extradite him anyway. [2]

A former Senate candidate offers his alternative immigration reform plan. [3]

Reddit is seeing its web traffic plunge in 2013. The year 2013 is the WORST year in the history of atheism/Darwinism just like Question evolution! campaign fans predicted![4]

Salon publishes an article which declares: Christopher "Hitchens’ “God Is Not Great” is an intellectually shameful book". Why are atheists so low-class and so low brow?[5]

Liberal John Kerry says that Russia should hand over Obama's nemesis to the Obama Administration. [6] And he's only one example of liberal hypocrites who now talk about "rule of law" after standing for its opposite – during a previous administration. [7]

A grassroots activist asks sobering questions about Edward J. Snowden and his motives, in light of unproven allegations about acts beyond revealing to the public that the American government spies on its own citizens. [8]

Switzerland, a beacon of European creationism, has the world's most competitive economy. The United States, a land filled with creationists, is expected to dominate the world economy for years. [9]

Christianity has great depth and sophistication. Also, 7 reasons why atheism has developed a reputation of being low-class and "low brow". [10]

Reuters: "For Obama, a world of Snowden troubles ... Leaders Obama has wooed - and met recently - were willing to snub the American president."[11]

Pew Research Center: 'Incompetent' and 'liar' are now among the top 5 most frequently used words to describe President Barack Hussein Obama. [12]

Edward J. Snowden apparently lost confidence in the Rule of Law of the amoral communist China and Hong Kong, packed his bags and headed for the increasingly Christian and conservative Russia.

The South China Morning Post reported this morning that Snowden may be en route to Iceland or Ecuador while others have said he is bound for Venezuela via Havana, Cuba. [13]

Mashable admits one of the internet's largest atheist communities, Reddit atheism, has developed a reputation of being "low brow" over the years by "some" (translation: by people who are not "low brow").[14]

Bold evangelism is seeing results in India. 75 - 100 people became Christians in an Indian village. Reports of the miraculous occurring.[15]

Atheist wiki drops in global market share while saw an increase in global market share.[16]

Liberal claptrap of the week: "Hillary Clinton wants a female president ‘in my lifetime.’" [17] Translation: Hillary lacks any good reasons for seeking the presidency.

A candidate in a special Senate election may not showcase her own good works in her campaign. Why not? Blame the IRS – and the late Lyndon Baines Johnson. [18]

Mimolette Cheese, a French cheese eaten safely for hundreds of years, is suddenly deemed unsafe by the nannycrats of the Barack Hussein Obama Administration.[19]

Bradlee Dean, speaking out about an attack on one of his teams, calls on America to stop asking permission to obey God. [20]

Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.” So Mrs. Clinton would never have been born if abortion had been available. [21]

Liberal double standard: an offensive racial joke by an Obama Cabinet official is somehow not racism, [22] yet the liberal media crucified golfer Sergio Garcia for making an offhand joke about Tiger Woods.

"My Deerest; another tale of evolution" [23]

Hate speech is always defended when a liberal does it. [24]

A New Jersey activist reaches a stunning conclusion: the PRISM system has always been Barack Hussein Obama's ace, and we must shut it down. [25]

Announcing a new grassroots organization evoking the life of Judge Deborah: Women of Faith in Action. [26]

NY Times fact-checkers are unfamiliar with the Bible, and had to issue this correction to a David Brooks column: An earlier version of this column incorrectly identified the biblical texts in which three figures — Saul, David and Esther — appear. Their stories are told in other books of the Jewish Bible, but not in the Torah. The column also incorrectly described a passage from I Corinthians that ends with the statement, “God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” It was written by Paul, not spoken by Jesus. [27]

Retired investigators of TWA Flight 800, downed a few months before Bill Clinton's reelection in 1996, say that the government "falsified" the findings. [28] Recall that the Clinton Administration imprisoned one reporter for trying to determine the truth.

Bradlee Dean warns Barack Hussein Obama of a Biblical truism: you reap what you sow. [29]

A congressional human rights committee in Brazil approves legislation to authorize psychologists to treat and cure homosexuality. [30] The homosexual agenda continues its decline globally.

Conservative "Rand Paul: Youth with me on NSA issue." [31] "They see [Obama] now as a hypocrite," the likely 2016 presidential candidate observes.

An ugly chapter in the Republican primary for the special Senate election in New Jersey came to a close today. An Administrative Law Judge ruled that Alieta Eck, a newcomer who dared challenge the political establishment, can stay on the ballot. [32]

"Remembering Jesus, really remembering!" by Bishop Bert: [33]

Chinese dissident claims communist China now controls U.S. academia: [34]

State Senator Elbert Guillory of Louisiana becomes another ex-Democrat after seeing that party for what it really is. [35][36] “At the heart of liberalism is the idea that only a great and powerful big government can be the benefactor of social justice for all Americans. But the left is only concerned with one thing: control. And they disguise this control as charity.”

AT&T iPhone Users Forced to Receive Obama Alerts Which Can't Be Turned Off. [37] First the Verizon phone calls scandal and now this.[38]

Russia, fed up with Obama's pushing of the homosexual agenda on its own country, tells Obama to quit trying to overthrow the leadership in Syria. [39]

Edward J. Snowden continues to stand up against Obama by declaring today on a live newspaper blog, "Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped." [40] Why are liberals like Obama so opposed to the public learning the truth?

Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons discusses the Internal Revenue Service administering ObamaCare. [41]

Is the reason why atheists are more likely to commit suicide that so many of them have bad relationships with their earthly father and their heavenly father?[42] See: Paul Vitz and Atheism and suicide

If Barack Hussein Obama likes Father's Day so much, then why is the Obama Administration striving so hard to have lesbians get "married".[43]

"Britain's biggest climate problem is with cold winters that lead to thousands of excess deaths." [44] Yet liberal denial continues about the hoax of a global warming crisis.

The world's biggest population of atheists run by secular leftists may implode under crushing debt in about 6 months. Hard landing may be in store for China's economy. [45][46]

Expect the explosive growth of Christianity in China to continue. Biblical Christianity thrives under economic adversity.[47]

‘Natural’ or ‘unnatural’ human behaviour? Many evolutionists consider much of today’s human behaviour ‘unnatural’ — except when it comes to homosexual ‘marriage’.[48]

Now the Obama Administration pretends they do not know where Edward J. Snowden is, perhaps to avoid criticism if Obama tried to extradite him now. [49]

Today, a Question evolution! campaign blog went over 450,000 page views. Also, 20-30 young people will be reading the newest draft of the Question evolution! campaign book for middle school students.[50]

Dr. Joseph James Kennedy: Deceit: the Modus Operandi of Evolution.[51]

Vetoed! Conservative Texas Governor Rick Perry vetoes more than two dozen bills passed by RINOs. [52] Will Perry run for the presidency next?

The President of Equatorial Guinea has warned African leaders not to tolerate, accept or allow the issue of homosexuality to get roots in their countries. Also, 7 reasons why homosexuals have lower moral standards.[53]

News from the Left Coast: "'Less liberal' is the new conservative," as Dems find it necessary to restrain reckless spending by other Dems. [54]

In New Jersey, candidate Steve Lonegan wages an ugly fight before an Administrative Law Judge against a prospective primary opponent. [55][56] A grassroots activist today begs him to knock it off. [57]


Happy Flag Day: "A yearly contemplation of our flag strengthens and purifies the national conscience." — President Calvin Coolidge

God gives victory when His people fight, especially in His Name. [58]

Liberal policies have destroyed Detroit, and now the city defaults on its debt. [59] It may pay only pennies on the dollar to its creditors.

New Jersey grassroots activists have reason to cheer: two genuine conservatives in a Republican special primary for the United States Senate. [60]

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Atheism will fold like an accordion in the 4th largest atheist population in the world.[61]

Russians overwhelmingly reject liberal values on homosexuality. Lawmakers pass anti-homosexuality bill in a 435-0 vote. Weak gay activists are easily overpowered by police.[62]

Liberal denial continues: Joe Biden denies that George W. Bush defeated Al Gore for president in 2000, and the liberal media praises Biden for his denial! [63]

Southern Baptist Convention blasts Boy Scouts over stance on homosexuality, votes to encourage defectors. [64]

America's first atheist monument to stand outside Florida courthouse.[65]

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) deputy director Michael Morell has "decided to spend more time with his family" and resign post terror attack in Benghazi.[66]

Why moderates leave an acrid taste in a conservative's mouth. [67]

The modern civil rights movement consists of "demoralizers of the faith" – a far cry from Martin Luther King's day. [68]

The Mainstream Media always ignore this key fact about any mass murder story they cover: it happens in a gun-free zone. [69]

Pope Francis plans to purge the Vatican of the "gay lobby," and speaks candidly about the problem. [70] Why aren't Republican Party leaders as candid?

James Clapper, head of the NSA and now under-fire, said in March that he had no knowledge of the massive phone and email collecting by his agency. [71]

The socialist "paradise" of Venezuela is now on the brink of hyperinflation. [72]

Love Obamacare now? If you live in Ohio, your health insurance premiums went up 88% percent. [73]

NSA officials overheard on how to cause Edward Snowden to be "disappeared". [74]

From the IRS "Keep your religious beliefs to yourself." [75] "You cannot, you know, use your religious belief to tell other people you don’t have a belief, so I don’t believe you need the right to do this, start confrontation, protesting, uh, prot, uh, don’t apply for tax exemption."

The bright Patriots head coach treats the liberal media with disdain in dismissing their inane hostility to Tim Tebow, on his first day of practice. [76]

Is Edward J. Snowden, who revealed the breathtaking extent of how our government monitors us, a hero, or a traitor? Judge for yourself. [77]

The world's biggest mental health research institute is abandoning the new version of psychiatry's "Bible" (DSM-5).[78]

Great Conservative Sports Star Tim Tebow is reportedly joining the New England Patriots, from where he will be able to crush twice-a-year the liberal New York team that cut him. [79] God does indeed have a sense of humor.

Why is big government a Goliath and why should you fear it? Start with watching a girl with cystic fibrosis nearly die from some arcane rule, while the government waives said rule for a big campaign donor. Then remember a little bit of history. [80]

Homeschooling surge underway: Education at home is growing seven times faster than K-12 enrollment. The homeschool option makes perfect sense, "significantly higher ACT-Composite scores as high schoolers and higher grade point averages as college students." [81]

Michael Reagan: Reform the U.S. tax code. [82]

The joke sport of "rhythmic gymnastics" is part of the 2020 Olympic Games roster.[83]

Union jack.jpg

Britain has a debt-to-revenue ratio of 212%. Britain's external debt to GDP ratio was 390% in 2011.[84]

How long will you keep Charles Darwin on your currency Britain? How long will you run inefficient Darwinism indoctrinating public schools? Behold! Creationism will grow mightily in your land!

Multi-ethnic, Bible-believing church is adding 40-50 new members a year via the internet. Also, will a "God-ordained meeting" prove to yield more fruit than boring atheist meetings led by boring, white, atheist males? [85]

Conservative Rand Paul may challenge the privacy-invading conduct of the Obama Administration in court. [86] Even a few Dems express their opposition to the Big Brother program.

Promoters of marijuana are quiet about the arrest Saturday of a crane operator charged with causing the deaths of 6 people while under the alleged influence of the drug. [87] Authorities still conceal how much pot was in the system of "College Weed Dealer" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. [88]

Trust the government? How can we in light of the recent scandals? [89]

Leftist vie for the Dem nomination for the special U.S. Senate election in New Jersey, with Rush Holt and media-promoted Cory Booker jumping into the race. [90]

Tag team of scientists show why the eye is still a thorn in the side of Darwinists.[91]

Protecting Christians in populist Muslim countries.[92]

Who is the enemy of the people? Barack Hussein Obama? Or institutions that enable him? [93]

Psychiatry and Darwinism: Pseudosciences in crisis.[94][95]

Primal scream therapy? A liberal evolutionist must have come up with that one!

Marijuana apparently killed again: six deaths in a building collapse have been traced back to a demolition equipment operator who, accordingly to toxicology reports, was allegedly high on pot. [96]

A Great Conservative Sports Star, the center who led the Ravens offense to the Super Bowl victory, declined to attend the White House celebration because Obama is so pro-abortion. [97] Obama-supported "Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year," Matt Birk observed.

"Reading by Bumps: How to navigate the Hebrew Braille Bible, and not go to prison" by Bishop Bert [98]

Obama administration mining Facebook data to predict crimes.[99]

New York City Mayor candidate Anthony Weiner and the New York Times are tying to rehabilitate his sleazy image, but Michelle Malkin has doubts that it will work.[100]


Barack Hussein Obama flip-flops on the Patriot Act.[101]

Why do liberals, RINOs and Darwinist posers like to flip-flop so often?[102][103] Lack of convictions?

"The administration has now lost all credibility..."
And this statement comes from the editorial board of the New York Times, a liberal newspaper. [104][105]

The NSA's domestic spying - and they are spying on Americans - violates the Fourth Amendment. [106]

A Tea Party activist denounces Chris Christie for calling a special election instead of simply appointing an interim United States Senator. (And calling a special election so fast most candidates won't have time to qualify.) [107] While we're at it: is Chris Christie really a Republican? [108]

Robert Bauer: former White House Counsel, who could be the one most responsible for the IRS targeting of the Tea Party and conservatives in general. [109]

10-year old boy fends off armed home intruders with a gun.[110]

Remember this Father's Day: The left's policies are undermining the family.[111]

The Common Core State Standards for education are unconstitutional and illegal. See here for all the laws they violate. [112]

BREAKING NEWS: Steve Lonegan will start at once to gather signatures to get on the primary ballot in the New Jersey special Senate election. [113][114]

Chris Christie called a special election to fill Frank Lautenberg's Senate seat to benefit one man only: himself. And why is he drawing big money from prominent Democratic Party financiers? [115]

The Obama administration is as transparent as a tar pit.[116] American conservatives, like the ones in Florida and Texas, like the refreshing, clear waters of government transparency.

The IRS discriminates because they are a bunch of self-serving, liberal, money grubbers.[117] Eliminate the IRS and slash U.S federal government spending.

Real austerity and not "faux austerity" will help European economies.[118] How long will the liberal heathen rage and deny the obvious?

What's really "transparent" about Barack Hussein Obama? His war on America, and American women, that's what. [119]

Conservative landslide victory Tuesday, by a remarkable 67-27% margin, for an open congressional seat in Missouri. [120]

Tyranny gets a new face today. It is not just the IRS. It is the Democratic Party Caucus of the United States House of Representatives. [121]

BREAKING NEWS: Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey will not name an interim United States Senator immediately. He will call a special election, to take place this October, to name a replacement for the late Senator Frank Lautenberg. [122]

New Jersey voters! Vote today. A Tea Party group publishes its last list of endorsements in races from sheriff to township council. [123]

The lamestream media admit that Tim Tebow is being excluded not primarily because of his quarterbacking skills. [124] Why should the public support the NFL as it discriminates against outspoken Christians?

Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) died Monday. Now Governor Chris Christie must appoint someone to replace him. Whom will that be? [125][126]

Liberal hatred of the First Amendment: [127]

Evolutionists failed to overturn Louisiana pro-creationism law - again! Also, another creationist mother is eager to have her daughter read a draft of the Question evolution! campaign book for middle school students.[128]

Forbes: Religion is an essential driver of economic growth. Evangelicalism is improving the cultures of third world countries and boosting their economies. [129]

UN Agenda 21 threatens San Francisco Bay. But two activists are preparing to sue to fight it. [130]

Liberal censorship continues, by making a big deal out of an offhand reference to "no homo" by a triumphant basketball player. [131] But there's no exception to the First Amendment allowing censorship to promote the homosexual agenda.

Anti-Darwinism has now entered into a mainstream public university. Indiana's Ball State University is now offering a course which is intelligent design friendly.[132]

Same-sex marriage is defeated in the liberal state of Illinois, despite Obama's push for it in his home state. [133] Has Obama become irrelevant?

The academic journal Sociology of Religion shows secularism losing momentum and beginning to decline in both Europe and America by 2050. Other academic research shows it may begin to happen much earlier.[134]

August 2012: A summer of triumph for biblical creation belief. Will August 2013 be a watershed month as well?[135]

Media-promoted Tiger Woods "shot his worst nine-hole score as a professional" but afterward his comments were again self-serving: "I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled out there." [136] Actually, Woods' score is worse than 69 other players.

The number of adherents of liberal Christianity who will be spit out of Jesus's mouth will be many.[137]

The country with the world's biggest atheist population is very interested in information debunking Darwinism.[138]

The IRS and the White House definitely worked together. The visitor logs show how often IRS Commissioner Shulman visited – and how rarely anyone else did with whom he would have had meetings, of not with Barack Obama. [139]

A Tea Party activist withdraws his earlier call for a temporary criminal registry, in wake of the scandals surrounding the Internal Revenue Service. This is the same agency that will police Obamacare. [140]

Eric Holder gave a private party for his friends in the Mainstream Media, and less than half of them showed up. What does that say about those who did? [141]

After cutting Tim Tebow, the New York Jets now try to stop the building of a family amusement park. [142] Why should the increasingly anti-Christian NFL receive favoritism??

Associated Press reports that Americans may lose the health plan they like under Obamacare.[143]

Student Loan money profits are being siphoned off to pay for ObamaCare.[144]

An activist advises people to elect a sheriff who remembers his Constitutional duty to those who elect him. [145]

1960s liberalism is not only financially unsustainable, but its champions are a dying breed.[146]

Understanding gold market dynamics.[147]

Evolutionary racism directed towards an accomplished footballer puts a sour note on a football game.[148] Why are so many liberals racists?

Media bullying alert: the lamestream media spend all day picking on undefeated conservative Michele Bachmann, who repeatedly won in a liberal district. Rather their cheap criticism, the media should be asking why they could never defeat her.

Wikipedia continues to lose influence in the world in 2013.[149] Also, interest in Project 200 plus keeps expanding.

Undefeated five-term congressman Michele Bachmann announces that she will retire from her position, and may run for higher office. [150] The liberal machine was never able to defeat her in a Dem state.

Professor attacked by liberals. His "crime"? Teaching students to think for themselves. [151]

Judge-Shopping, or, How Eric Holder Got Away With Spying On A Reporter's Emails: [152]

The liberal nanny mayor of New York City doesn't like street cafes now. [153]

The IRS scandal that the news is not covering, because it's tied in with Obamacare: [154]

Eric Holder now faces investigation for perjury before Congress. Is Barack Hussein Obama paying attention? [155]

France struggles to find a strategy to turn around their economy even though it is right under their nose.[156] The Bible, Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek

Many things happen in life that cannot be explained by science or philosophy. Atheists and agnostics self intellectually cripple themselves and are clueless about much of reality.[157]

Example of how modern conservatism is more conservative than Republicans from yesteryear: Bob Dole, Republican nominee in 1996, admits that "Reagan couldn't have made it. Certainly, Nixon couldn't have made it .... We might've made it, but I doubt it." [158]

A United States Senator finally says it: Barack H. Obama is throwing away his moral authority to lead. But in fact he never had legal authority to lead, either. [159]

Conservapedia pauses in prayer (not a liberal "moment of silence") in honor of Memorial Day. keeps getting smited! Has a plague of locusts eaten Richard Dawkins' daily website visitors?[160]

How long will you refuse to humble yourself before the Lord, Richard Dawkins?

Google USA estimates 101,000,000 search results for the search "Evolution and just so stories".[161]

"President Obama forgets to salute," but the lamestream media downplay gaffes by liberals. [162]

Another study finds that obesity may decrease brain function.[163] See also: Atheism and obesity and Lesbianism and obesity

Have liberal policies destroyed Sweden? "Stockholm rioting continues for fifth night." [164]

The inventor of the concept "Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder" admitted, before he died, that he made the whole thing up. Think about that when the school district tells you to drug your kids. [165]

Dems admit they lack the votes to pass their amnesty-for-illegal-aliens bill, where 60 votes are the minimum needed in the U.S. Senate. [166]

The cold temperatures this spring have even hurt the sale of sporting goods. [167] Yet liberal denial about the cold weather persists, in order to perpetrate a fictional global warming.

Obama's paternalistic, sexist reference Thursday to a heckler as a "young lady" is no problem for the liberal media, [168] but an Hispanic golfer's offhand racial quip about Tiger Woods is unforgivable.

The BBC News opened a story with this nonsense: “A study of Neanderthal skulls suggests that they became extinct because they had larger eyes than our species.”[169] Why does Darwinism spawn such lame just so stories?

Thomas Sowell recommends parents having their children read the book The New Leviathan which has a number of essays which debunk various liberal sacred cows.[170]

Expert says that the discovery of a 20-year long rainfall in Ireland points to the Great Flood of the Bible being historical.[171]

Why do so many faux Christians deny the Great Flood and try to turn it into a non-Great Flood?[172] Did Jesus, Peter and Moses lie?[173]

A description of "Common Core Education," the harm it can do, and a list of New Jersey primary candidates pledged to stop it. [174]

Classic communist tactic by the Obama Administration: it files a document in court alleging that a reporter at Fox News is a possible co-conspirator in the "crime" of informing the public. [175] In fact this goes back further – to Henry II. Are we all Thomas Becket now? [176]

Teen awarded for improved capacitor - Intel gave a $50,000 scholarship to a girl whose titanium dioxide capacitor can store almost three times as much electrical energy as previous capacitors and is intended as a battery alternative. [177]

Most mainstream media got the story wrong, claiming incorrectly that her invention can charge a cell phone battery in 30 seconds. (Charging a battery too quickly reduces its life, which is why Motorola and Samsung and the rest keep the amperage low.)

Franklin Graham, one of America's most prominent evangelical Christians, says the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service included two of his ministries.[178]

Are many evangelical Christian churches primarily growing in America due to birth rates or due to evangelism?[179]

"Quiverfull" evangelical Christianity, which does not believe in contraception, is now spreading in the UK.[180] In the past 30 years, the number of Anabaptists in North America, including the Amish, has grown significantly, from 313,000 baptized members in 1978 to more than 535,000 in 2010. [181]

Unfortunately for militant atheists, secularist philosophy breeds sub-replacement levels of fertility. See: Decline of atheism

Reuters reports: "Europe is in the midst of its longest recession since it began keeping records in 1995 — even surpassing the calamity that hit the region in the financial crisis of 2008-2009."[182]

Turkey, a world leader in anti-evolutionism, had its Moody’s credit rating upgraded to investment-grade quality. [183][184]

What is the real IRS scandal? It's the tax code itself. [185]

A video was recently produced on the topic "Why Christianity and the Bible are true." [186]

Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women?[187]

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I was a little bit disappointed that Pentecost didn't make the Main Page, even after I had mentioned it: see Talk:Main_Page#Pentecost....

I'd like to see the Christian Feasts being honored on the Main Page, be it by a masterpiece, a link to an article, etc.: the next will be Trinity Sunday. Any ideas?

Thanks, --AugustO 08:42, 21 May 2013 (EDT)

Good suggestions. Often this will depend on what else is in the news, or what other entries editors are spending their time on at a particularly moment. Other websites on the internet are purely religious sites.--Andy Schlafly 10:48, 21 May 2013 (EDT)

Mr. Schlafly,
I wanted to apologize if my past edit offended you or damaged the project. It was never my intent to remove information from the table, but only to enhance the layout and supplement the content through additional citations. I have also apologized on the talk page of the article, but I thought I owed you a direct apology as well.

Additionally, I still have a desire to improve the article. I have posted a proposed plan on the talk page, and I would be very grateful for your input. I eagerly await your suggestions.

Sincerely, WilliamWB 11:27, 23 May 2013 (EDT)

Andrew Schlafly, you claimed that „Jesus prayed, often publicly, for people”. I'm still interested in an example for this - as you said that this happened often, you should be able to provide us with one. To be more precise: I don't want examples of Jesus blessing or giving thanks ( e?????? - like in Matthew 14:19) or laying hands upon someone (?p?t???µ? ?e??a? - like in Matthew 19:15), I'd like to see an example of Jesus praying (p??se???µa?) publicly for people.

Could you please give us a verse? Thank you. --AugustO 15:40, 24 May 2013 (EDT)

For example, Jesus routinely prayed in public before each meal.--Andy Schlafly 21:32, 24 May 2013 (EDT) „I don't want examples of Jesus blessing or giving thanks” „I'd like to see an example of Jesus praying (p??se???µa?) publicly for people” „Could you please give us a verse?” As you can see, your answer doesn't match the question. --AugustO 22:45, 24 May 2013 (EDT) Try John 8-14 (Translated)#11:41 - when Jesus very publicly prays to and thanks God prior to raising Lazarus from the dead.--Andy Schlafly 23:45, 24 May 2013 (EDT) I wonder if he'd be satisfied with John 17:11-17: Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one. 12 While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. 13 But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves. 14 I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 15 I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. [1] Perhaps there aren't as many transcripts of our Lord's specific prayers as we'd all like. --Ed Poor Talk 19:46, 26 May 2013 (EDT)

I may be a "liberal" Christian but I am devout, but some articles (guess by who?) suggest I am more associated with Satan them I am Jesus. I will not stand for it any longer--Patmac 09:34, 26 May 2013 (EDT)

Dear Mr. Schlafly,

Can you please unprotect this page? I would like to update it with information about VY and Shock's chatroom that has come to light at Talk:Main Page. If this is not desirable, then I would suggest unprotecting the page (which is currently sourced only to a single page on an anonymous blog) so that a more verifiable article can be written in its place (and perhaps if I can get a hold of Conservative, he can point me to reliable sources). Thanks, GregG 21:28, 31 May 2013 (EDT)

Can you do anything with this: Template:Dead link? --JoeyJ 14:02, 1 June 2013 (EDT)

What is wrong with it?--Andy Schlafly 16:20, 1 June 2013 (EDT) Maybe you can expand it. In Wikipedia there is a category for articles with dead links --JoeyJ 09:00, 2 June 2013 (EDT) I've done it. If Mr. Schlafly or someone else wants to change the exact name of the category, they can go ahead. Onward 09:25, 2 June 2013 (EDT)

Could you restore my talk page, actually? A nice little memento from the hoopla. :) Onward 20:24, 1 June 2013 (EDT)

Conservative still goes on with his hatred, I will get blocked for this but here is my promise, I will wait 3 days and if after that time this users hatred is not completely removed from this site I am going to report Conservapedia to the Southern Poverty Law Center and request it is designated a hate group.--Patmac 11:28, 3 June 2013 (EDT)

I would have preferred to send these messages to you in person but I cannot find an email for you so it has to be done here, I have requested you do something before but have been constantly ignored. Lets face it Andy, despite not holding office you are very much a politician, and what does a politician do when a subordinate constantly jeopardizes his position? He gits rid.--Patmac 11:41, 3 June 2013 (EDT) Conservapedia supports and defends the full right to free speech, and urges liberal groups to do likewise.--Andy Schlafly 12:16, 3 June 2013 (EDT)

This is not free speech, this is hate speech. When i read that Jesus eats and spits out moderate Christians that is hate speech, and it also brings the name of our saviour into disrepute. He does not just attack evolutionists and atheists, he attacks Christians, to the extent that we are not Christians at all. "Liberal" Christianity and marital infidelity, "Liberal" Christianity and whore mongering, "Liberal" Christianity and bestiality, need i say more? But if someone dare challenge his position, he blocks them, how is that free speech? I think you personally have some pretty strange ideas but you do allow them to be challenged without going on a hate spree, and you are to be respected for that. But constantly allowing Conservative to post his vile tirade, however free it may be, just undermines Conservatives and by extension your image.--Patmac 12:32, 3 June 2013 (EDT)

This user Pacmac is blocked indefinitely. Apparently, he thinks he can define what hatred is, even so far as to saying that the above reference concerning Jesus constitutes "hate speech". This is the place in the Bible where it comes from, Revelation, Chapter 2: 14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. What it means is that this user is trying his best to stop any mention of the Bible unless this mention is done in accordance with his liberal philosophy; which means that the above Revelation verses are null and void. He further threatens to call the SPLC on us if we don't behave in according to his whims, i.e. one hate filled individual calling a hate-filled organization to complain about our alleged hate against his own hate-filled ideas. Patmac had also forgotten about our First Amendment RIGHTS to FREE SPEECH, FREEDOM OF RELIGION, and FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE. He's so filled with hate himself that he would demand the SPLC to try to stop us from enjoying those rights. As far as I'm concerned, he failed. And he can continue failing somewhere else. Karajou 13:12, 3 June 2013 (EDT) Firstly, let me say that I do not endorse user:Patmac`s tactics of legal threats. They have no place on a wiki, and should instead be sent to the site's owner (Mr. Schlafly) by email. However, as per hate speech and the Bible, it is clear that the Bible condemns churches who do not uphold the tenets of Christianity, but on the other hand, who is User:C to decide which churches are not upholding these tenets? brenden 13:43, 3 June 2013 (EDT)

This is an opportunity for Andy to show some leadership in setting a path that de-escallates the conflict here. On the one hand, Patmac is absolutely right about the intemperate nature of User:C's comments. On the other hand, Patmac's frustration with the failure to address that problem led him to make intemperate remarks as well. I suggest that we forgive Patmac for his transgression, and address whether User:C's edits are consistent with the fundamental commandments of Conservapedia. This is not a "Free Speech" issue. User:C is free to express his views on his private blog. Our question is whether CP should endorse and republish some sharp comments as the views of the entire project. Wschact 07:22, 4 June 2013 (EDT)

ReymeDneK's contributions? Thanks, GregG 10:15, 5 June 2013 (EDT)

There is a dispute between myself and user:Markman regarding User:Rafael's block. Could you please provide some guidance? Thanks, brenden 15:34, 6 June 2013 (EDT)

See this edit. Clear case of incivility. Considering his previous record I'd say he should be banned for at least a week if not more. I would have given him a lifetime ban but unfortunately there are too many editors with blocking rights who seem to be determined to subvert Conservapedia's rules. Interestingly enough, many of those editors are also in cordial relations with the RW userbase. - Markman 15:42, 6 June 2013 (EDT) You should also point out that, aside from you, the only other person who has given Rafael a block, was DamianJohn, and a now outed parodist. As per "determined to subvert Conservapedia's rules", I would suggest that you re-read the rules. I still haven't forgotten your bullying of AlanE. brenden 15:48, 6 June 2013 (EDT) "You should also point out that, aside from you, the only other person who has given Rafael a block, was DamianJohn, and a now outed parodist." Come on darling, don't be afraid to call the parodist by his name - Dvergne. The same Dvergne who sided with you and with AlanE against me. So you're basically admitting to both associating with a liberal website and with parodists. - Markman 15:54, 6 June 2013 (EDT) As far as I understand, User:Dvergne, Karajou, and myself were chastising you for spamming {{uncited}} specifically on AlanE's contributions. Are you insinuating that Karajou is "associating with a parodist"?? Furthermore, once again, you have shown yourself unwilling to read that userpage, that explains my goals on that website specifically. In case you can't see that website, I have the words reproduced below:

==Wat?== *Why are you here? :I'd rather not be impersonated, and I would like a word in this place. *What are you doing at Conservapedia? :I do enjoy thought exercises. While Conservapedia does go in a little overboard at times, I still have faith in it. I feel that the only reason that Conservapedia's problems are so famous, are because of the inordinate amount of trolls and parodists, trying their best to write something so ridiculous, that their comrades might congratulate them. That, and the continued threats by [[user:naca|certain]] [[user:Umichcynic|people]] [[user:Proxima Centauri|at]] [[Liberapedia|certain websites]], to (blocked by spam filter), and harrass the precarious community at Conservapedia, have not helped the situation. One of my goals there is to rectify that. brenden 16:00, 6 June 2013 (EDT)

Your other edits on that website reveal a different story. Your cordial relations with the RW userbase shows that you're one of them. - Markman 16:04, 6 June 2013 (EDT) In the days of TK your admiting you are even reading that site would have earnt you a ban. Davidspencer 16:05, 6 June 2013 (EDT) On the contrary, I have been called a dick, a parodist, a "smarmy little prefect", among other things. I do my best to present Conservapedia in a positive light, and frankly, are doing a lot more good than Markman, going there to deliberately spread a false impression of a surly, confrontational Conservapedia. brenden 16:06, 6 June 2013 (EDT) I think that I made my case and I don't need to elaborate any further. I don't only enforce the 90/10 rule but also try to comply with it, so I'll refrain from any further replies until Mr. Schlafly says his word. - Markman 16:09, 6 June 2013 (EDT) I think that you shouldn't jump the gun, and instead, should wait for Mr. Schlafly's word on this matter. brenden 16:05, 7 June 2013 (EDT)

A sock of Mr. Mason has recently posted some vile attacks on that page. Although I have undid them, someone may want to block that sock and/or take other remedial measures. Thanks, WilliamWB 12:43, 7 June 2013 (EDT)

I wouldn't worry about this. Karajou took a minute or two to learn oversighting. Mr. Mason will now become even more obscure than he already is and rightfully so. Conservative 00:12, 11 June 2013 (EDT)

Dear Mr. Schlafly,

I know you've taken interest in voter ID just as I have, and I found out this week that the Arkansas Secretary of State has proposed rules to implement Arkansas' new voter ID law. [2]. I'm planning on writing up and submitting comments to fix several issues with the rules, and I was wondering whether you were planning on submitting comments or wanted to see what I am writing. Hopefully, if the rules are fixed as I suggest, the voter ID law should survive federal and state court challenges. Thanks, GregG 13:24, 8 June 2013 (EDT)

That's interesting. I wasn't planning on submitting any comments, but I'd be curious to see what you submit. My own view is that voter ID laws are not as significant as early voting laws.--Andy Schlafly 22:36, 8 June 2013 (EDT)

Andy, I think if Conservapedians could spend more time creating content rather than fighting spammers that they would do so if given the opportunity.

Why don't you add the feature to the wiki that fights spammers that Brenden says works great at his wiki?

Here is the informmation:

I noticed that in the RC, there's been a large amount of spammers. Perhaps implementing QuestyCaptcha, a system that uses questions that Mr. Schlafly chooses, could stem the onslaught. It works excellently at my wiki. Here is the information for this extention: brenden 21:10, 1 June 2013 (EDT)

I hope this helps. Conservative 10:30, 9 June 2013 (EDT)

Dear Mr. Schlafly,

User:Conservative reverted my recent edits without explanation and protected the page. Since there is no way to contact U:C and I don't see it likely that there will be fruitful discussion about improving the article about the logical fallacy of quote mining, I would request that the page be unprotected and that U:C work in collegiality with me to improve the page. Thanks, GregG 11:21, 9 June 2013 (EDT)

There is nothing wrong about quoting the other side and using those quotes to disprove and discredit their position. Some evolutionists pretend there is something wrong with this, yet politicians, attorneys, and any debater properly does this frequently.--Andy Schlafly 13:00, 9 June 2013 (EDT) I'm glad you are offering your input, and I should probably explain my changes fully on the talk page. Science, law, theology, politics, mathematics, and philosophy are all different systems for answering questions about our world. Each system has its own rules, so what may be a valid argument in law (citing to binding precedent or quoting an authority) is not necessarily valid in science or math. Likewise, logical deduction from axioms is the main way mathematical results are proven, but it has less utility in the other systems of answering questions. In any event, I think there should be a full discussion on the talk page, and, revisiting this issue, I think that what would probably be best (and what I will therefore request) is for the page protection to automatically expire, say, a week or two from now, and hopefully, the discussion that takes place during this next week will improve the article. Thanks, GregG 13:10, 9 June 2013 (EDT) EDIT You wrote "politicians, attorneys, and any debater properly does [sic] this frequently." I trust you are familiar with Rule 3.3 of the New Jersey Rules of Professional Conduct. GregG 13:23, 9 June 2013 (EDT)

Try this:

$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createpage'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['user' ]['createpage'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['createpage'] = true; $wgAutoConfirmAge = 600 ; # Ten Minutes

I disagree with this proposal. I think one of the things that makes wikis so successful is that people can jump in by creating an account and instantly contribute by improving pages. To be honest, I think that there are enough blockers to handle the spam efficiently, but if there needs to be a solution, I would recommend QuestyCaptcha. GregG 17:03, 9 June 2013 (EDT)

It keeps on coming up everytime I add a link to references, is there any way that you can turn it off for my user? I clearly am not a bot or spammer so if you can it would be much appreciated. JAnderson 20:51, 10 June 2013 (EDT)

Thanks for asking. I've added SkipCatcha privileges to your account.--Andy Schlafly 21:19, 10 June 2013 (EDT)

I'm happy to announce that the Book of Malachi is now fully translated. I would like you to take a look at it and if needed help improve it. Note: not all of the book's translation was done by me, but in the parts that I did translate I changed "LORD of hosts" into "LORD of armies". The Hebrew word "tsvaot" (?????) that is sometimes translated into "hosts" actually means "armies". I think that this translation is more accurate, plus it sends a strong anti-pacifist message.

I also see that I can't add Malachi to the list of fully translated books in Template:ConservativeBible. Could you please do that for me? - Markman 06:16, 15 June 2013 (EDT)

Fabulous! I like your correction of the pacifist bias. I've updated the template. Well done!--Andy Schlafly 11:41, 15 June 2013 (EDT) Thanks you for your kind words! - Markman 11:41, 15 June 2013 (EDT) I look forward to more of your translations.--Andy Schlafly 11:48, 15 June 2013 (EDT)

Schlafly, could you please answer to my post on Talk:Roman Catholic Church about the RCC and evolution? Thanks, cheers. --Swordsman 08:10, 15 June 2013 (EDT)

Replied.--Andy Schlafly 11:48, 15 June 2013 (EDT)

Hi can you please uploud these pictures: Thanks --JoeyJ 13:49, 16 June 2013 (EDT)

Done as requested.--Andy Schlafly 14:28, 16 June 2013 (EDT) Thank you but I cant put them into the articles Anarchism and Anarcho-capitalism Can you help me, please? --JoeyJ 13:58, 18 June 2013 (EDT) I resized them from 500px to 200px and now you can use them in a format smaller than 500px. See: Anarchism and Conservative 14:35, 18 June 2013 (EDT) Thanks Conservative. Please uploud yet this here: --JoeyJ 08:47, 21 June 2013 (EDT) and this one also --JoeyJ 09:30, 21 June 2013 (EDT)

Mr Schlafly, Having visited the Eagle Forum website I noticed you run courses on US history which interests me, but have noticed the registration is restricted to those living in the USA. Is it possible to enrole from elsewhere?--Tomqua 16:27, 18 June 2013 (EDT)

Consider using the U.S. History course I posted here: Conservapedia:Index.--Andy Schlafly 16:41, 18 June 2013 (EDT)

Thank you--Tomqua 16:42, 18 June 2013 (EDT)

It's the same old story over and over: a Hollywood liberal (he helped raise money for Kerry) engages in a self destructive lifestyle (compulsive eating in this case) leading to his own demise. So tragic and yet so preventable. - Markman 15:08, 20 June 2013 (EDT)

The archives from "Previous Breaking News" are very unvalid. Where are the archives from 2012/2013?--JoeyJ 12:01, 24 June 2013 (EDT)

Here: [3].--Andy Schlafly 12:13, 24 June 2013 (EDT)

We've under a vandalism spree recently. Users involved: SwissE, Namkram, JackieS. I think we should consider a range block in case their IP addressees are dynamic.

I also blocked some users who registered in close proximity to the vandal spree: Mar92vg8br, Numisexpert37, Car9d94nha, NigelM, DennyH. I recommend using checkuser to see if they share IP addressees with the vandals. If not, than those with a proper username should be unblocked while those with an improper username should remain blocked but with their IP unblocked and account creation enabled. - Markman 09:09, 25 June 2013 (EDT)

Thanks. I'll look into this.--Andy Schlafly 09:13, 25 June 2013 (EDT)

You don't have any problems with his blocks, do you? brenden 14:11, 25 June 2013 (EDT)

Checkers, stop barking at Mr. Schlafly this instant! - Markman 14:16, 25 June 2013 (EDT)

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