Friday, April 27, 2012

Daily Links – April 25, 2012

Today is April 25th. On this date in 1953, Senator Wayne Morse wrapped up the third longest filibuster in Senate history, at 22 hours, 26 minutes. The second longest was Sen. Alfonse D’Amato in 1986 at 23 hours, 30 minutes, and the longest was Sen. Strom Thurmond, at 24 hours, 18 minutes, in 1957. Morse died in 1974. His last words were … transcribed in the form of a three thousand page book. Also on this date, in 1964, Hank Azaria was born in New York. His first words were “Worst. Delivery. Ever.” On this date in 2003, Sinead O’Connor announced she was retiring from music. Her fan was devastated. And finally, today is World Penguin Day. Tuxedo. That’s my joke. Hey, they can’t all be winners. Consider this an Open Thread.

Kimmel Insists: ‘It’s Hard to Make Fun’ of ‘Cool Character’ Obama | Newsbusters
“‘It’s hard to make fun of Obama in general because he’s a cool character,’ ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel, the ‘headliner’ for this Saturday night’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, told Reuters, insisting that ‘outside of his ears, there’s not a whole lot’ to joke about.”

[NSFW Language] SNL alum Lovitz delivers rant on Obama, taxes | Daily Caller
“In an interview with “Clerks” director Kevin Smith, Lovitz, a registered Democrat who voted for Obama in 2008, bashed the president for his class warfare rhetoric and the notion that the wealthy don’t pay their fair share in taxes.”

Charlotte Hotel Owner: Dnc Business Practices ‘Ruthless, Bullying’ | Free Beacon
“The DNC has filed suit against a Charlotte-area hotel owner, who calls the convention’s business practices ‘ruthless’ and ‘bullying,’ WBTV in Charlotte reports:”

New York Times experiment in self-awareness lasts all of two days | Hot Air
“An understatement to be sure, but any acknowledgement of bias from the Times is a rare event, and so this understandably received a lot of coverage by the conservative media. Well fast forward two days later, and observe Times’ editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal pretty much give Brisbane, and conservatives, the (metaphorical) finger.”

New Moonbat Line of Attack: Rubio Campaigning With Romney is ‘Homoerotic’ | Newsbusters
“Randi Rhodes does what she can to make her presence known in that barren wasteland known as liberal radio. Unfortunately, it usually consists of little more than bloviating inanities.”

Today’s Word of the Day comes via
elan (ay-LAHN): noun A combination of energy, enthusiasm, and style.

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