According to America's top constitutional law Professor turned President of the United States, the Supreme Court overturning "a law that by a large majority of a democratically elected Congress was adopted."
What about the people, acting through the democratic process, to change their own Constitution?
I ask because in California, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled it unconstitutional for the people of California to ban of gay marriage to their Constitution. Most damning, the Ninth Circuit opinion pretty clear says that when judges Act and the people choose to change their Constitution in response, such an amendment is unconstitutional.
Will someone in the media ask the President if, based on its logic on the Supreme Court, he supports the voters in California who wanted to pass Proposition 8?
"No, no," he would try to pull back. "I'm talking about when the Supreme Court is trying to curb rights."
Wherefore, believes President Government-funded health care is a right?
It also supports President the legislatures of the several States voter ID laws by a democratically elected legislature enacting?
But wait ... There are more questions the media must keep if we go the President everyone responsible for their words and not just the Republicans.
Believes the President should overturn Roe v. Wade that the Supreme Court when the law a law adopted by a large majority in a democratically elected state legislature declared unconstitutional?
Hey, what about the immigration laws in Arizona and Alabama?
"I said ' Congress '," could the President answer.
Okay. Well in the United States the partial birth abortion ban 2003 Congress law of 2003 by a greater margin that the previous Congress Obamacare and that the majority was bipartisan.
Does the President now that the Supreme Court was right to maintain the constitutionality of "a law which has been adopted by a large majority of a democratically elected Congress"? If so, the President withdraw his statement of 2007 now where he attacked the Supreme Court for enforcement of "a law that was passed by a large majority of a democratically elected Congress"?
Some Member States of the media certainly has the testicular fortitude to ask only the latter.
But then again, what of Proposition 8? The President believes that the courts must listen to the will of the people?
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