In what may be the funniest story of the day, Eric Cantor is throwing his own super PAC under the bus.
His denial is implausible once the facts are in full view, but given the blow back he has gotten for his super PAC coming out for a host of squishy candidates who’d spend their time in Washington sucking up to Cantor instead of actually fighting for limited government, Cantor must now urge everyone to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
The Young Guns Action Fund was set up by Cantor’s Deputy Chief of Staff John Murray, top aide Rob Collins, and several other Cantor staffers are involved. When Cantor’s press secretary, Brad Dayspring, was involved in an office altercation a few months ago, Dayspring was removed from the office and placed into the Super PAC.
Certainly, as Cantor partisans note, because the Young Guns Action Fund is a Super PAC, legally Cantor’s role must be limited. But considering John Murray’s role in Cantor’s office was, as the Politico reported at the time, “to increase Cantor’s image outside the Beltway by getting him in front of influential audiences across the country”, it’s a bit silly to pretend there is no relationship.
Now, as Cantor seeks to distance himself, even reporters are having a hard time believing his denials.
It would be a stretch to say that Cantor has nothing to do with the YG Action Fund. The PAC is headed by two top former Cantor aides, John Murray and Brad Dayspring. And the majority leader has donated money to the group, appeared at its events and even helped it raise money.
I await Eric Cantor’s public decision to denounce this Super PAC and publicly say he’ll never help them again.
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