Monday, February 11, 2013

Second Inaugural Drinking Game: Climate Change (aka Sobriety) Edition

Since the inaugural address is in the middle of the day, I propose the following drinking game:

The first time the President uses the phrase “climate change” or “global warming,” down the drink of your choice.The second time, empty out the liquor cabinet.The third time, it’s a weekend in Las Vegas with Charlie Sheen or Chelsea Handler.

This is best called a sobriety game, given the Administration’s obsession with climate silence (see “Team Obama Launched The Inane Strategy Of Downplaying Climate Change Back In March 2009“).

Given that Obama called for increasing fossil fuel production in his last State Of The Union address, and given that we don’t want you plastered before all the parties tonight, I’m adding this:

Every time Obama talks up domestic oil production, drink one cup of coffee.Every time Obama talks up domestic natural gas production, drink one cup of non-herbal tea.

Finally, if Obama mentions “clean coal,” check yourself into the Betty Ford clinic just to be safe.

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