Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rubio wimps out at CPAC

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) demonstrated in his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference meeting that he lacks the toughness and political courage to be elected president in 2016. By running like a frightened rabbit from his own immigration proposals and refusing to champion them in his speech, Rubio suggests he has nothing to fear except his base itself. If Rubio could not handle this speech, he's gonna have a tough time in roughhouse Republican presidential primaries, and he will look like shredded wheat if he ever faces the inside fastball of the formidable Hillary Clinton if this mismatch ever comes to pass.

As I understand Rubio's points in his CPAC speech, he gave a passionate defense of platitudes about American exceptionalism and a fiery oration supporting the good old American family. Presidents are made of sterner stuff than this. What will he do when negotiations get tough in the Senate if he is so afraid of the GOP base that he treated his major legislative priority with the enthusiasm that Count Dracula treated the cross?

I like and respect Rubio, but what I saw at CPAC was a nice man not nearly ready for presidential prime time, and a Republican Party not nearly ready to compete for Hispanic votes when the rubber meets the road.

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