PepsiCo, Inc. is a NYSE-listed (PEP) company that manufactures the caffeinated soda Pepsi. It is headquarted in Purchase, New York. It also manufactures other versions of caffeine free, cola free sodas, bottled water and snack foods.
Until 1997 they owned Tricon Restaurants Inc, a company which does own Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken. PepsiCo sold it in 1997. Since 2002 Tricon Restaurants Inc is called Yum! Brands. It currently owns Quaker Oats, Trioucana, Frito-Lay and Gatorade. It also owns the Aquafina water company. PepsiCo was formed in 1965 when the Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito-Lay merged. PepsiCo is a secular-progressive operation and donates many resources to the gay community.
if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); }In 2009 the AFA had boycotted PepsiCo. They cancelled the boycott after it became clear Pepsico no longer funded homosexual organizations. A statement on boycottpepsico.com reads "AFA asked Pepsi to remain neutral in the culture war, but the company refused — choosing to support the homosexual activists." Pepsico is a highly visible supporter of the gay community. [1]
Pepsi sponsors the 2009 New York City gay pride parade as well as in Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix and Cleveland. Pepsi gave a total of $1,000,000 to promote the homosexual lifestyle in the workplace. Pepsi requires employees to attend sexual orientation and gender diversity training. Pepsi is a member of the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Pepsi gave $2.3 million to defeat Proposition 8.PepsiCo is not only committed to promoting homosexuality within their company, they are compelled to spread this lifestyle to other companies. When they mention strong sponsor they actually mean strong-arm tactics. Per AMA,
In the October 2009 Out and Equal Workplace conference, PepsiCo's vice-president and CIO led the "Use 'em or lose 'em" seminar to teach employees in the art of "leveraging strong sponsor or leader relationships" within companies to embrace homosexuality.PepsiCo served as judge for the "Outie Awards," a big thank you banquet for those employees that advance homosexual causes in the workplace.
An iPhone Pepsi application promised to help men "score" with two dozen stereotypes of women by giving users pickup lines and a scoreboard to keep track of their conquests. The free application has branded the company sexist and they have refused to remove from the iPhone store where it is still available for download. [2] PepsiCo claims they are not sexist because they have a woman CEO. "PepsiCo as a company has a culture that's respectful of women. It's attempting to be edgy and humorous with this app and nothing more."
After a week of complaints, Pepsi has decided to remove its' offensive iPhone app that degraded women. [3]
Pepsi's latest logo has been accused of trying to copy the logo Barack Hussein Obama uses in elections after it released it around the 2008 Presidential Election. Despite the obvious similarities that resulted from the attempt to capitalize on their political ally's marketing bandwagon, Pepsi "insist[ed] that their product’s new look and message in no way is intended to copy Obama’s message, but rather to align their product with the mood of the country [at the time]."[4] Frank Cooper, the company's brands chief, however, implied that B. Hussein Obama might have actually gotten his logo[5] from Pepsi.[6]
During the 2012 election, PepsiCo and its employees favored Republicans over Democrats 54 to 46 percent in terms of campaign contributions.[7] Former CEO Eric Foss donated $2,500 to the Mitt Romney campaign in 2011.[8]
? [BoycottPepsiCo.com A project of the American Family Association]? Pepsi slammed over 'how to score' iPhone app, NZ Herald, October 16, 2009? Pepsi Doesn't 'Score' with iPhone Application, FoxNews, October 22, 2009? ABC News: Yes, We Can (Try to Hop on the Obama Marketing Bandwagon) January 12, 2009? His logos, along with his slogans and other propaganda components, are speculated to have communist ties.? Advertising Age: Pepsi Responds to Obama Logo Controversy January 29, 2009? Food & Beverage: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates, Parties, and Outside Groups. Opensecrets.org. The Center for Responsive Politics. Retrieved on 2012-12-05.? Results. Opensecrets.org. The Center for Responsive Politics. Retrieved on 2012-12-05.
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