Saturday, April 7, 2012

President Obama goes on Record opposing Marbury v. Madison

For a guy who graduated from Harvard Law, Barack Obama is not really very well versed on his right or his legal history. Today about the Supreme Court's review of Obamacare, Obama offered this beautiful and completely ahistorical nugget:

Eventually, I am convinced that the Supreme Court is not what would be an unprecedented extraordinary step will take a law which was passed by a large majority of a democratically elected Congressto tilt.

Look, I'm not here to debate the finer points of Marbury v. Madison with everyone, but the fact remains that that more than 200 years ago, it's not exactly since the judgment rendered "unprecedented and extraordinary" for the Supreme Court to overturn the laws passed by Congress (regardless of the size of most). In fact, it happens all the time. That's the whole point of the doctrine of judicial review, first announced in Marbury and confirmed without serious challenge since then.

I seriously would like to know, and I hope that the press Obama gets on the record on this – it is President Obama the assertion that the Supreme Court's only role in the revision of the legislation is to double-check the count on the roll-call vote to ensure that a majority in fact voted for the law and to check the President's signature for possible falsification? Because, I mean, if that's what we're going to go back, I'm open to having that discussion, but we want to figure out what to do with several hundred SCOTUS decisions taken a decidedly different view.

Of course, in making these comments expose Obama is once again as a cynical hack that itself is devoid of anything resembling shame. The partial birth abortion In 2003 United States Congressional ban law of 2003 by the significantly greater margins than Obamacare. When the Supreme Court refused to this law, which was adopted by a "democratically elected Congress", pitched then-Senator Obama a hissy fit over the fact that the absolute Supreme Court had argued that the clear will of Congress (and the vast majority of the American people).

When its own legislation on the game, however, Obama seems suddenly ready to go back and virtually every Supreme Court precedent in the past 200 years to stripping the Court of their power to close at each question than whether the roll-call was good tallied undo. Of all the most terrible thing is that if a Republican had said this, the media are busy trying to paint them as an uneducated rube would be that unaware of Marbury v. Madison was-if Obama it says, it is presented as a thoughtful defense of his brilliant law.

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Destroys last of the Media credibility Trayvon Martin story

I don't really know what happened between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. What I do know is that this story led at least one manslaughter – the murder of self-inflicted media the last shreds of credibility has to. And it's not just conservative blogs that brands-even straight news sources have started noticing the shame with which the media has showered during this whole sad saga. The Washington Post reported Friday that NBC's blatant editing Zimmerman the 911 call will be "reviewed internally," which is as close as you ever screw up an admission of a very serious of a major news organization will get.

The most stunning admission still came from something called a Touré, which apparently is a contributor MSNBC. Touré apparently got tired of being on a TV channel nobody watches so he went on to take last week Piers Morgan to task for the journalistic crime of getting both sides of the story Piers:

You know, at NBC, in the corridors, we were laughing at you today, "Touré told Morgan. "We wouldn't take [Robert Zimmerman]. Standards and practices on NBC wouldn't let him get through the door. And you had him on the air and the hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands thousands or regardless of number of people watching your show listen to what he had to say allowed.

This is the first time I can remember an alleged news figure which it is expressly stated that his network has a policy against allowing one of the major players in a national news story to give his side had. My favorite part of Touré of hysterical rant was his outrage over the fact that people would hear what Zimmerman had to say. One thing is clear – the way the media has been about this story really told the truth far validates that Touré. Journalistic standards and practices apparently not possible for a cover story that would suggest that the race Trayvon Martin pimps who currently are hustling it doesn't correct this story.

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Obama takes on the Supremes FIRST #

Tonight, President Obama's decision to take on the Supreme Court of the United States. We will address it and more on the Erick Erickson Show.

Listen live here and call at 1-800-WSB-TALK.

We are tonight live 6 to 9 pm ET.

Consider this an open thread.

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The IRS is NOT investigating Gov. Nikki Haley (R, SC).

Welcome to South Carolina! Here's your accordion.

You may remember that a few days ago a minor South Carolinian political blog tossed out the very serious allegation that South Carolina governor Nikki Haley was about to be indicted by the Justice Department for alleged tax fraud involving her parents’ temple*.  The keyword?  “Imminent.”  Well, it turns out that the IRS is not actually investigating either the Governor or the temple (H/T @RBPundit) in fact, if I’m reading this correctly the entire thing was more or less based off of the usual bureaucratic paperwork (H/T Hot Air Headlines).  The goofball progressive blogger n00b (some guy named Logan Smith) that put up the article in the first place at first tried to stand by his anonymously-sourced allegations, but has since more or less given up and done one of the more grudging and passive-aggressive retractions that it’s been my pleasure to read lately.  I don’t even think that Smith is going to get fifteen minutes out of this; and, of course, he’ll never get another shot.


Annnnnd that’s pretty much it, at this point: absent further developments this story looks to be going nowhere.  I’m sure that people are not surprised.  I’m also sure that people remember the fun and games from the 2010 gubernatorial elections; back during the primary the establishment put together what had to have been one of the most laughable accusations of adultery in recent political history.  That it obviously doesn’t work doesn’t really matter; this is how they play down in South Carolina.  Which is to say, dirty – and as this exercise indicates they’re not particularly shy about using New Media sources to do their dirty work for them.  Note that I am not saying that every single political blog in South Carolina is corrupt: merely that it’s wise to get… confirmation… on some of the juicier stories that bubble up out of there.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*You may be forgiven for thinking that reminding South Carolinian voters that Governor Haley’s parents are practicing Sikhs was actually the whole point of the exercise.  Progressive blogger, remember?  Those people really do think that the Right cares about that sort of thing.

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Daily Links – April 1, 2012

Today is April 1st. It is April Fool’s Day. April Fool’s Day was first celebrated by ancient druids. Each year on this date, they would ritually sacrifice the person considered to be the most indigent, gullible, and least productive member of their society. After burning the “fool” alive in a giant “wicker man”, they would perform elaborate rituals, or “pranks”. It evolved over the centuries into the happy holiday we know today. Also on this date, in 1787, the corn dog was invented by accident. The inventor was killed in the accident and for over a hundred years the food was considered “cursed.” And finally, on this date in 1973, Rachel Maddow was born. Well played, history, well played. Consider this an Open Thread.

Exclusive – Palin To Couric: ‘Game On’ | Big Journalism
“When Breitbart News asked for a comment about the fact that she will be competing with Couric, Gov. Palin responded simply: ‘Game on.’”

NBC caught selectively editing Zimmerman 911 tape
“The brass is going to look into the story, but if you expect anything other than a white wash, I’ve got a drawbridge over the Chicago River I’d like to sell you.”

Just reading Obamacare cruel and unusual punishment | Mark Steyn
“It’s not just that the legislators who legislate it don’t know what’s in it, nor that citizens can ever hope to understand it, but that even the nation’s most eminent judges acknowledge that it is beyond individual human comprehension.”

House Votes On Internet ‘Honesty’ Bill | RRL
“The House held a floor vote on legislation designed to compel ‘honest’ practices in internet transactions, and it could affect your web experience.”

Today’s Word of the Day comes via Wiktionary.
cromulent: adjective Fine, acceptable or normal; excellent, realistic, legitimate or authentic

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A Legacy for my Children

What type of future do I want for my children and future grandchildren?  I do not wish for them a future with a financially unsustainable, cradle-to-grave dependency on the federal government. Rather, I wish for those I love so much a future where the federal government encourages and empowers success, personal responsibility, and financial independence.  I also want a future where state governments, or the federal government, can provide fiscally sound, dependable safety-net programs to protect our most vulnerable citizens from a life of poverty.  We have a choice – government dependency, or a dependable, fiscally-sound federal government.  We cannot have both.  I ask America to join me in the fight to end the ever-growing cycle of government dependency – for our children and grandchildren – the fight for freedom and opportunity.
Liberals have continuously expanded entitlement programs far beyond stability.  They have created generation after generation of citizens more and more dependent on the federal government.  This has resulted in greater power for the federal government.  We need to do what is necessary to keep these programs from collapsing under a mountain of deficit spending.  It is a choice between saving and strengthening these programs, or further weakening and destroying the safety net programs that provide security and poverty protection to those most in need.
We must modernize our federal entitlement programs to meet the needs of current and future beneficiaries, and reduce the financial burden on our children and grandchildren.  In many ways our entitlement programs have been successful at protecting millions of Americans from a life of poverty.  We need to save and strengthen these programs so that they are there for our children and grandchildren.
Doing nothing is an unacceptable option.  We are borrowing four out of every ten dollars we spend, and we’re dependent on low interest rates.  If we wait to act, the only solutions will be drastically higher taxes, massive new borrowing, and sudden and severe cuts in benefits or other government programs.   Doing nothing threatens our financial security, as well as that or future generations.
This is why the next President of the United States needs to show true leadership and put federal entitlement programs on a course towards fiscal sustainability.  Tragically, President Obama has not shown such leadership.  He has expanded eligibility for entitlement programs into the middle class and above.
I have demonstrated my commitment to fight for entitlement reform through the successful effort on welfare reform, which ended a federal entitlement for the first time and created opportunity and reduced poverty.
In contrast, President Obama and Mitt Romney’s records are creating health care entitlements and expanding Medicaid dependency through ObamaCare and Romneycare instead of free market opportunities and choice.    Instead of taking entitlements head on, Mitt Romney continues to play games about the earmarks that he has supported.  While Romney focuses on 1% of our fiscal challenges, I will continue to focus on 100% of them for a sustainable future for seniors and young people in America.  We can’t afford not to.
With our government spending 40% more than it has, and our national debt exploding beyond 15 trillion, the time is overdue for strong fiscal leadership rather than kicking the can down the road.  My guess is that the Vegas odds on either President Obama or Mitt Romney actually reforming entitlements are quite low.  I don’t think that even Mitt Romney would make a $10,000 bet on that one.
My plans for entitlement reform would unshackle beneficiaries from the federal government, unleash the power of market competition, and empower Americans with choice and control. For example, I would reform Medicare with a premium-support program that offers beneficiaries choice and control over their healthcare options.  This would transform Medicare from a program run by government to a program that empowers seniors.
I would also block-grant Medicaid so that states have the flexibility to effectively manage their programs and offer the best options for beneficiaries.  These, and other reform ideas will transform our federal entitlements from programs that breed dependency to programs that empower beneficiaries and encourage independence.
Conservatives know that I am committed to limiting government, expanding freedom, and putting America back on a sustainable fiscal path through cutting federal spending and entitlement reform, repealing and replacing ObamaCare, instituting pro-growth tax and regulatory policies, and unleashing America’s energy and manufacturing potential for a brighter future for America.
America faces a deficit of over $1 trillion for the fourth year in a row. The only way to truly tackle these deficits and to preserve our freedom is to reform entitlements, the fast-growing component of government spending.  For the health of our economy and for the sake of our children and grandchildren, that is the path I will take.
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