Monday, April 30, 2012

Eric Cantor Doesn’t Want You. He Wants Democrats.

ImagesThis is more offensive than Cantor throwing his weight behind Adam Kinzinger’s re-election bid against Don Manzullo. He was successful there, but we need to shut him down in Indiana.

The Republican Leader in the House of Representatives is not backing down from trying to drive up Democrat turnout in the Indiana Republican Primary.

First, you have to wonder why a House guy is getting involved in a Senate race.

Second, you have to wonder why a Republican Leader is using Republican donors’ money to drive up Democrat turnout in a Republican race.

I wonder if the Republican donors to the Young Guns Network know their campaign donations to a Republican group are going to aid and abet Democrat turnout in a Republican race. And I hope House conservatives know their own supposedly leader is not just using their own money to pick and choose between them in the House, but to also help Barack Obama’s favorite Senator.

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And So The Campaign Begins

I don’t think any accomplishment Obama can tout will save him from the backlash he’ll reap from having forced Obamacare down our throats.

Even if SCOTUS strikes it down in its entirety (thereby presumably taking it off the table as a campaign issue), everyone will still know what Obama is capable of, and what he and his Democrat colleagues are willing to do to achieve it. That genie is out of the bottle, and I’m betting most voters will want no more of it, Bin Laden or no Bin Laden.

In any event, killing Bin Laden does not appear to have been very successful in fostering a general perception that Democrats are turning over a new leaf to become hawks. I doubt he’ll get very much mileage out of this.

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EPA and the White House Wash Their Hands of the ‘Crucifixion’ Mess

Earlier this week, a two-year old YouTube video surfaced that floated some raw sewage in the Obama Administration’s energy punchbowl. In it, EPA Region 6 Administrator Al Almendariz, speaking to a group of Texas citizens, chuckles while comparing his agency’s environmental enforcement strategy vis-à-vis oil and gas operators to conquering Roman legionnaires’ strategy of random crucifixion. How quaint.

So the Washington politicians did what politicians have done since Roman times: go into damage-control mode and attempt to distance themselves from the offending act. From the Washington Post:

“Frankly, [the comments] were inflammatory but also wrong,” [EPA Administrator Lisa] Jackson said Friday when asked about a YouTube video discovered this week by Oklahoma Republican Sen. James M. Inhofe’s staff. “They don’t comport with either this administration’s policy on energy, our policy at EPA on environmental enforcement, nor do they comport with our record as well.”

The offending comments were uttered, not by low-level functionary deep in the bowels of EPA, but by a Presidential appointee, the Administrator of EPA Region 6. Region 6 covers “Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and 66 Tribal Nations” and as such is home to 56% of domestic crude oil production and 59% of natural gas production. Needless to say, statements of the Region Administrator on enforcement policy carry some weight. The tough-guy policies certainly seemed consistent with the treatment of Range Resources. Range was the subject of a Region 6 “endangerment order”, an EPA accusation of groundwater contamination that was contradicted by the scientific evidence and ultimately dropped.

Plus, these weren’t the words of a leaked internal email.

In the private sector, it can be a problem when the public statements of a senior executive “don’t comport” with official policy. A recent example:

BP CEO Tony Hayward uttered the ill-advised “I’d like my life back” in the process of a public apology for the BP spill. Those five words resulted in a PR firestorm that led to Heyward’s dismissal by BP’s Board.

Twenty-nine congressmen, including all of Texas’ Republican representatives, have signed a letter calling for Almendariz’s ouster (excerpted below the fold). They have been joined in the call by Reps. Scalise, Alexander, Boustany, Fleming and Landry in Louisiana.

It is clear that [Almendariz's] deep seated biases are hindering his competent management of the office he holds. …

The men and women who work for oil and gas companies are our constituents, our friends and our neighbors. They are not criminals in need of deterrence. They are Americans who care deeply about the communities they live and work in. …

Where violations of the law take place and punishment is appropriate, there should be punishment. But no American should be subject to the spiteful whims of an Administrator who is so blinded by his ideology that he cannot discern the difference between enforcement and crucifixion.

The White House is also backing away from Almendariz’s comment. In fact, the White House totally <>hearts<> oil and gas:

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Friday: “The truth is better illustrated by .?.?. the impact that the administration’s policies have had, which is that oil and gas production has increased every single year that President Obama has been in office.”

This is so easily refuted as to be laughable.

First there’s this study from the Institute for Energy Research: Fossil fuel production on federal lands at 9 year low

The growth in oil and gas production has mostly been on private lands under state jurisdiction and regulation. If the Federal government deserves any credit for the increase, it is because EPA has not regulated hydraulic fracturing — but they’re thinking about it.

It is true that production of domestic oil and gas have increased each year during the Obama Administration. Officials’ ham-handed attempts to glom credit for oil production increases are ironic because the Left usually emphasizes the long lead times of oil and gas projects as a key reason to oppose them. In 2002, they opposed development of ANWR because it would take so long to bring oil to market — 10 years! — that it would hardly be worth the trouble.

No oil and gas exploration or development happens overnight. Even small onshore projects near existing infrastructure typically require six to eighteen months to satisfy all the permitting requirements and bring a well on production.

A major field would take much longer. Multiple wells are required to define the accumulation, then that estimate is used to plan the facility and pipelines required. There are usually multiple layers of permits and Environmental Impact Studies required. Ten years might be a typical delay for a really world-class field in a challenging environment like the deepwater or the Arctic.

One place where oil production has increased on Federal lands is in the Gulf of Mexico (although production remains well below levels forecast before the BP spill moratorium). A portion of the recent production increase is attributable to a handful of deepwater Gulf of Mexico fields that began producing during the Obama Administration. Of course, the plans to develop these fields were all approved under the George W. Bush Administration; some of the leases even date back to the Clinton era.

President Obama is fond of reminding people of the problems he inherited from President Bush. In oil and gas, he inherited a solution: today’s politics drive him to take credit for it, while his ideology demands he suppress it.

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Conservatives Are Gaining, But Need Help Making Mitch McConnell’s Life Truly Miserable

We’re about a week out from the Indiana Primary. Richard Mourdock now leads Barack Obama’s favorite Republican, Dick Lugar. But it is close. Surprisingly for so many conservative activists who backed Eric Cantor for his leadership position, the House Republican Leader has decided to engage in this and other races for the more moderate and liberal candidates.

Whodathunk Eric Cantor would become like Mitch McConnell, but he is. And not only that, Eric Cantor has decided to engage in the Indiana Senate race — a Senate race, not a House race. So the cool thing is if you open your checkbook and help Richard Mourdock, you aren’t just dealing a blow to Mitch McConnell, but to Eric Cantor and Barack Obama too. All three of them want Dick Lugar to stick around Washington.

Seriously, Eric Cantor’s PAC is asking Democrats to go vote to save Dick Lugar. The House Republican Leader wants Democrats to save Dick Lugar. That’s messed up.

Do what you can to make sure Indiana sends Dick Lugar home. Oh wait . . . Dick doesn’t live in Indiana anymore. That’s why his Board of Elections says he can’t vote in Indiana. Still, get him out of the Senate.

But that’s not all.

In Texas, Ted Cruz is going up in the polls, but David DewCrist is a millionaire. Ted Cruz needs volunteers, prayers, and money. If he can get into a runoff with DewCrist, he should be able to close the gap and be Texas’s next Senator.

In Nebraska, Don Stenberg is closing in on Jon Bruning. Bruning, by the way, still won’t walk away from his love of Eric Holder. We need to help Don. He’s going up in the polls and is now coming under whitening assault from Bruning and Bruning’s friends in Washington.

And then there is Utah. After 36 years in the Senate, Orrin Hatch just might be retired by the voters. He did not make it out of the Utah Republican Convention with enough votes. He’ll face my friend Dan Liljenquist. Dan’s a good guy. Thirty-six years in the Senate should be long enough. Senator Hatch has been a commendable Senator on judges and other issues. But he’s also been on the wrong side of many votes and Dan Liljenquist would be one more headache for Mitch McConnell that Senator Hatch is not.

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Obama’s NLRB Unleashes Ambush Elections on America’s Job Creators

On Monday, April 30th, Barack Obama’s union-controlled National Labor Relations Board will be imposing its new union election rules, designed to ambush unsuspecting employers. Since unions won over 71% of the 1595 NLRB-conducted elections in 2011, the NLRB’s radical departure from past precedent is neither necessary, nor warranted. Moreover, given unions’ legal ability to deceive workers into unionizing, it is believed the NLRB’s doing union’s bidding will result in smaller companies and their employees falling prey to unionization.

While the NLRB’s purported ‘streamlining’ of its election procedures seems simple, to those who have experienced the tumultuous time when a union has targeted a company, the ability of the union-controlled NLRB to now eviscerate employers’ ability to challenge the validity of a union’s attack through a fair hearing opens the door to a drastic reduction of time an employer has to respond.

The Associated Builders & Contractors, an association of predominantly union-free contractors, sums it up this way:

Under the rule, commonly known as the “ambush” elections rule, the amount of time between when a union files a representation petition and an election takes place is reduced from the current average of around 40 days to as few as 17 to 20 days.

The NLRB achieved this drastic reduction in time primarily by:

combining pre- and post-election appeals;truncating pre- and post-hearing procedures; andlimiting the types of issues an employer can raise at a pre-election hearing. (Determining which employees are considered supervisors, and which employees constitute a potential bargaining “unit” are no longer permitted before the election takes place.)

While many larger employers have the resources to preemptively insulate their organizations from union attack, many smaller employers and their employees have suddenly become hugely vulnerable.

Over the next several weeks, a multi-part series will be posted on and for both employers and employees to learn how to effectively keep unions out of their companies.

For now, however, thanks to Barack Obama’s union-controlled National Labor Relations Board, the misleadingly still waters have suddenly become even more dangerous.


“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

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Morning Briefing for April 30, 2012

RS MB CleanMasthead

RedState Morning Briefing
April 30, 2012Go to to get
the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.

We’re about a week out from the Indiana Primary. Richard Mourdock now leads Barack Obama’s favorite Republican, Dick Lugar. But it is close. Surprisingly for so many conservative activists who backed Eric Cantor for his leadership position, the House Republican Leader has decided to engage in this and other races for the more moderate and liberal candidates.

Whodathunk Eric Cantor would become like Mitch McConnell, but he is. And not only that, Eric Cantor has decided to engage in the Indiana Senate race — a Senate race, not a House race. So the cool thing is if you open your checkbook and help Richard Mourdock, you aren’t just dealing a blow to Mitch McConnell, but to Eric Cantor and Barack Obama too. All three of them want Dick Lugar to stick around Washington.

Do what you can to make sure Indiana sends Dick Lugar home. Oh wait . . . Dick doesn’t live in Indiana anymore. That’s why his Board of Elections says he can’t vote in Indiana. Still, get him out of the Senate.

But that’s not all.

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As President of the United States, Barack Obama wants us to know he killed Osama Bin Laden. The SEALs? Pfffffftttt . . . nope. Barack Obama did it. If you don’t believe him, wait till the campaign commercials tell you. Don’t believe them? Well, just in time for the election, Hollywood will provide us with an in-kind contribution of a propaganda film.

True, the President did give the order and he should be commended, as should the SEALs. And it is fair game for him to want to campaign on killing Osama Bin Laden in the same way George H. W. Bush campaigned as a war hero in 1992.

In 1992, Bill Clinton would commend George H. W. Bush on the campaign trail and lament that he just wished President Bush was as successful getting Americans back to work as he had been getting Iraq out of Kuwait.

This morning, my dad called and pointed out that Barack Obama may just be the most successful killer to ever take up residence in the White House — more successful even than the 19th Century vampire slayer who first led the Republican Party into the White House. In fact, consider the serial killing spree Barack Obama has been on.

On Twitter: use has tag #ThingsObamaKilled to play along at home.

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Earlier this week, a two-year old YouTube video surfaced that floated some raw sewage in the Obama Administration’s energy punchbowl. In it, EPA Region 6 Administrator Al Almendariz, speaking to a group of Texas citizens, chuckles while comparing his agency’s environmental enforcement strategy vis-à-vis oil and gas operators to conquering Roman legionnaires’ strategy of random crucifixion. How quaint.

So the Washington politicians did what politicians have done since Roman times: go into damage-control mode and attempt to distance themselves from the offending act. From the Washington Post . . .

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This has been a tough week for conservatives in Washington. Republicans in both houses are caving on the postal bailout, highway bill, appropriations, Ex-Im Bank, Violence Against Women Act, and the student loan bailout. It’s not going to get easier when they come back from recess in May. This is why we need game-changers like Scott Keadle in Congress. Keadle is running in NC-8, the seat currently held by born-again blue dog Larry Kissell.

As I search out conservative candidates throughout the country on behalf of the Madison Project PAC, I’m struck by how few candidates truly grasp the problems at hand within the Republican conference. Sure – they all talk about repealing Obamacare, a balanced budget, and out-of- control spending. But it is some of the aforementioned issues that separate the real supporters of free-markets from those who merely offer a pale-pastel contrast from the Democrats.

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The Ultimate Treachery

I’m at a loss for words; I’m really not sure what to think of this.

What word would you use to describe someone from party A asking members of party B to vote down a member of party A for supporting a fundamental view of party A?

Politico’s Maggie Haberman is reporting that the leadership-affiliated Young Guns Network has sent out mailers asking Democrats to vote for Dick Lugar (not exactly a young gun) in the Indiana Republican primary against Richard Mourdock on May 8.  But that’s not all.  They are stirring up Democrats by referring to Mourdock as extreme.  In what way is he extreme?  He wants to eliminate the Department of Education!

Do you want to know what is really extreme?  The creation of the Department of Education, after surviving almost 200 years without it.  Since the DOE was created, the cost of college tuition has increased over 439% adjusted for inflation!  The rate of increase is almost exactly commensurate with the rate of growth of DOE subsidization.  As you can see from this chart, the government-induced housing bubble pales in comparison to the government-induced Big Education bubble.

US News and World Report

Remember that the Department of Education began operating on May 16, 1980.  Imagine how extreme the inflation in education costs would have been had the extremists thwarted the creation of the DOE back in 1980?  Come to think of it, what would we have done had Dick Lugar failed to vote to create the Department of Green Energy in 1977?  I guess that part was left off the mailer.

This is all economics 101 for Republicans, but I guess they feel they can say anything to an audience of Democrats, as long as they serve the purpose of reelecting an 80-year old liberal.  The real irony here, as Bill Kristol points out, is that Young Guns was created to “chart a new course for the center-right movement and the House majority.”  Lugar is neither new, center-right, or in the House!

Heaven forbid me to label this as Republican-In-Name-Only behavior, but let’s just call it plain old treachery.

Cross-posted from The Madison Project

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