Friday, September 20, 2013

Republican in name only

(Difference between revisions)* Former Senator [[Arlen Specter]] of [[Pennsylvania]] supported ObamaCare and switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party to give the latter a 60-40 edge in the Senate and allow them to enact [[cloture]] on the Republican [[filibuster]].* Former Senator [[Arlen Specter]] of [[Pennsylvania]] supported ObamaCare and switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party to give the latter a 60-40 edge in the Senate and allow them to enact [[cloture]] on the Republican [[filibuster]].*Former Senator [[Lincoln Chafee]] of [[Rhode Island]], who became an Independent in 2007.*Former Senator [[Lincoln Chafee]] of [[Rhode Island]], who became an Independent in 2007. Turned Democrat in 2013.*Former Senator [[Lowell Weicker]] of [[Connecticut]], who left the party and formed his own local one in 1990, then became an Independent in 1995.*Former Senator [[Lowell Weicker]] of [[Connecticut]], who left the party and formed his own local one in 1990, then became an Independent in 1995.

A RINO (Republican in Name Only) is an officeholder or candidate who is a member of the Republican Party, but holds views to the political left of most Republican voters. The term "RINO" describes politicians who claim to be Republican but are in fact liberal, and therefore generally debase the winning conservative coalition base of the Republican Party.

RINOs are often Republican only to the extent it serves their own interests, and will abandon conservative principles as soon as it is in their own interests to do so. RINOs often provide support for raising taxes, abortion as a right, gay rights and gun control. Some RINOs have connections with Planned Parenthood or corporations that support goals of population control; other RINOs pay lip service to pro-life values while in practice not advancing those values.

Double standards by RINOs are common: a birther comment by Romney during his campaign was supposedly a "nothing", but Todd Akin's pro-life comment would somehow "absolutely" could cost RINOs control of the U.S. Senate![1]

RINOs, like Democrats, typically come from states in New England, the Mid-Atlantic; or states on the Left Coast. A less-used term is cafeteria conservative, for a person who picks and chooses which conservative principles to believe, as a person might choose foods in a cafeteria instead of ordering the full-course menu selected by the chef at most restaurants.[2] In contrast to RINO's and cafeteria conservatives, movement conservatives understand that since conservative philosophy is a coherent whole, it is untenable to discard part of it without discarding all of it.

The RINO targets of attack argue they follow middle of the road policies and are not liberals; they claim they get results, and insist that without them the Congress would be totally controlled by liberal Democrats and Republicans would rarely have any success. Conservatives respond that in the heyday of "Rockefeller liberalism" in the GOP the Democrats always controlled Congress, and the GOP only took power when Newt Gingrich launched a national conservative "Contract with America" in 1994, ending 40 years of Democratic control of the House. The notion that we need to elect Democrat-lite type of politicians is false. The election cycles of 2010 and 2012 proved that many RINO candidates are unelectable. RINO candidates wasted millions of dollars; Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman, Scott Brown, Linda McMahon, and many others could not connect with the people in liberal blue states.

In recent Republican primaries, voters have been rejecting establishment RINOs in favor of those with stronger conservative principles. Their commitment to self and not party is evident in their refusal to endorse the candidate that beats them. In some instances, they refuse the will of the voters and their party by running for office on an independent ticket. It is important to vote for someone who's more conservative on the issues rather than for a Republican because anyone can join a party and be they can be RINOs.

if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); } Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts after his support of gutting Arizona's immigration law and yet being the swing vote responsible for keeping Obamacare upheld. As Supreme Court Justices officially have no party, he is more of a "conservative in name only". Former President Theodore Roosevelt, because he regulated the economy and used social justice. Former Congressman Steve LaTourette of Ohio Fred Karger, for supporting abortion and the homosexual agenda. Karl Rove, for supporting the big government GOP establishment's agenda his whole career and attacking those who oppose it. Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, for supporting the Homosexual Agenda. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, for supporting DADT repeal and being pro-abortion. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, for supporting DADT repeal and failing to condemn same-sex "marriage" and abortion. Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson supports same-sex marriage and abortion (although he opposes abortion once the fetus becomes viable outside the mother's body). After switching to the Libertarian Party in 2012 to run for President, he openly admitted that he governed New Mexico for eight years as a RINO, even using the phrase "Republican in name only" on multiple occasions. The Libertarian Party is liberal on social issues (with the exception that they support gun rights) but are fiscally very conservative. Former Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania supported ObamaCare and switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party to give the latter a 60-40 edge in the Senate and allow them to enact cloture on the Republican filibuster. Former Senator Lowell Weicker of Connecticut, who left the party and formed his own local one in 1990, then became an Independent in 1995. Former Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont, who left the Party and became a Democrat in 2001, giving control of the Senate to the Democrats. Former Representative John Anderson of Illinois, who became an Independent after losing his party's presidential primary in 1980. Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana, who became an Independent after losing his party's presidential primary in 2012.

A majority of conservatives distrust RINO John McCain even though many of his policies are that of a true conservative. Key RINO principles rejected by McCain include support for gay rights, support for abortion, and support for earmarks. He has positioned his career as a bipartisan moderate, reaching across the aisle whenever possible. This is also his downfall. The era of reaching across the aisle passed -- when statist, socialist Democrats became Senators. His major political blunders mostly came during the 21st century political period. He was against both the Reagan and Bush tax cuts, and employed class warfare rhetoric in trying to stop the tax cuts from taking effect. His support for amnesty was the complete opposite of what conservatives wanted. He has always complained about enhanced interrogation techniques, calling them "torture". In non-election years, he likes to trash conservative positions and icons in order to get the media's and Democrats' approval. However, during the election he refused to go after Barack Hussein Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright. He believes in the junk science known as global warming, and has supported cap-and-trade programs. Another Middle East war, without a goal, without full commitment to win, without Congressional approval- McCain supports the President. It didn't stop there and in July 2011, he called the Tea Party, the people that care about fiscal sanity in Washington, they are "hobbits".

The sacrifices he has made serving this country cannot be overlooked. John McCain has earned war hero status but also the status as a D.C. zero.

? James Carville & Mary Matalin: He Said, She Said? GOP senator announces support for Md. same-sex marriage bill?

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HPV vaccine

(Difference between revisions)Routine pap smears are an inexpensive and easy way to detect cervical cancer early so that it can be  Pap smear: Screening test for cervical cancer: Understand the importance of the Pap smear, including how it's done, what it means when it's abnormal and why it needs to be part of your regular health checkups. []Routine pap smears are an inexpensive and easy way to detect cervical cancer early so that it can be  Pap smear: Screening test for cervical cancer: Understand the importance of the Pap smear, including how it's done, what it means when it's abnormal and why it needs to be part of your regular health checkups. []A new study looking at the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in girls and women before and after the introduction of the HPV vaccine shows a significant reduction in vaccine-type HPV in U.S. teens. The study, published in [the June issue of] The Journal of Infectious Diseases  reveals that since the vaccine was introduced in 2006, vaccine-type HPV prevalence decreased 56 percent among female teenagers 14-19 years of age.

The HPV vaccine exists as 2 products, Gardasil (marketed by Merck and protecting against types 6, 11, 16 and 18 of the human papillomavirus) and Cervarix (marketed by GlaxoSmithKline and protecting against types 16 and 18 only).

Genital warts are most commonly associated with HPV–6 and HPV–11. HPV types 16 and 18 together are found in about 70 percent of cervical cancers. [1]

Only about 3% of women are infected by these four types of HPV (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) targeted by the vaccine.[2] The vaccine is very expensive and has been associated with severe adverse reactions, including paralysis.[3]

The HPV vaccine does not protect against other sexually transmitted diseases (e.g., chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, AIDS, etc.), and the vaccine is not recommended for use in pregnant women or girls.[4]

"Gardasil had three times the number of Emergency Room visits [than associated with the meningitis vaccine] - more than 5,000. Reports of side effects were up to 30 times higher with Gardasil."[5]

In a remarkable move, a researcher for the HPV vaccine declared, "Public Should Receive More Complete Warnings":[6]

Dr. Diane Harper says young girls and their parents should receive more complete warnings before receiving the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. ... It’s highly unusual for a researcher to publicly criticize a medicine or vaccine she helped get approved. Dr. Harper joins a number of consumer watchdogs, vaccine safety advocates, and parents who question the vaccine’s risk-versus-benefit profile. She says data available for Gardasil shows that it lasts five years; there is no data showing that it remains effective beyond five years. if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); }

As of May 1, 2009, there have been 13,758 adverse reactions occurring after administration of the HPV vaccine, including 39 deaths, reported to the CDC since the FDA approval on June 8 2006.[7] Of the the 39 deaths, 26 were confirmed; the CDC claims that none of these were caused by the vaccine. [8]

In addition to the above referenced injuries and deaths, many girls who receive the HPV vaccine say that it is the most painful of all injections they get, and that the vaccine itself burns, unlike the "other shots [that] tend to hurt only at the moment of the needle stick, and not after the vaccine plunges in." Many girls have passed out from the pain.[9]

The FDA approved this HPV vaccine without reviewing any epidemiological studies, and after monitoring for only a brief period elevated antibody levels in recipients of the vaccine.[10] No tests were done, for example, to see if the vaccine causes cancer or birth defects in rats, though such tests would be easy for the FDA to require, if it weren't for the possibility that it might cause disapproval of the vaccine.[11]

The long-term consequences of the HPV vaccine are not known. Children in the 9-year-old age group have been monitored for only 18 months, and there have been no studies of possible longer-term risks of the vaccine, such as infertility, cancer, or autism.

The HPV vaccine is being promoted as protection against cervical cancer, but Merck itself does not ensure protection in its package insert.[12] Rather, this claim is based on research showing that 70% of cervical cancer cases also have prevalence of these four strains of HPV.[13] Cervical cancer has already been quickly declining in the United States without the vaccine.

Merck sells Gardasil for $360 ($120 per shot in a three-shot series). Adding administrative costs, the overall cost to the public is $400-500 per child vaccinated. Doing the math, the cost of vaccinating 100 children will be at least $40,000, but only 3 out of that 100 will ever be exposed to the HPV types targeted by the vaccine.[2]

The average age of diagnosis of cervical cancer is 48 years old. Accordingly, the effective cost is $13,000 per child to possibly protect her against a cancer over 30 years in the future. But the vaccine is not known to be effective for more than five years; most new vaccines are not effective any longer than that.

An effective means of protection against the same disease is freely available, and it is abstinence. The National Cancer Institute notes that "The surest way to eliminate risk for genital HPV infection is to refrain from any genital contact with another individual." [14]

Routine pap smears are an inexpensive and easy way to detect cervical cancer early so that it can be treated.[15]

A new study looking at the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in girls and women before and after the introduction of the HPV vaccine shows a significant reduction in vaccine-type HPV in U.S. teens. The study, published in [the June issue of] The Journal of Infectious Diseases reveals that since the vaccine was introduced in 2006, vaccine-type HPV prevalence decreased 56 percent among female teenagers 14-19 years of age. [16]

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Texas Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics have not supported making this vaccine mandatory.

Dr. Jon Abramson, a member of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, said to the Washington Times that "I told Merck my personal opinion that it shouldn't be mandated. And they heard it from other committee members."[17]

Parents can best decide whether to give this unproven vaccine to their own children, most of whom are never likely to benefit from it.

Merck has succeeded in having its HPV Vaccine added to the "list of required vaccinations for immigrants applying to become citizens," thereby forcing immigrants to pay for and receive this vaccine.[18]

? National Cancer Institute: Human Papillomaviruses and Cancer: Questions and Answers [1]? 2.0 2.1 This was confirmed by a study published February 28, 2007 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA 297(8):813-819, February 28, 2007. "HPV vaccine types 6 and 11 (low-risk types) and 16 and 18 (high-risk types) were detected in 3.4% of female participants ...."[2]? 12-year-old paralyzed? CDC: Reports of Adverse Events Following Gardasil® Vaccination [3]? CDC: Reports of Adverse Events Following Gardasil® Vaccination [4]? MSNBC: Some girls fainting after receiving HPV vaccine Gardasil gaining reputation as most painful of childhood shots, experts say [5]? National Cancer Institute: Human Papillomaviruses and Cancer: Questions and Answers [6]? Pap smear: Screening test for cervical cancer: Understand the importance of the Pap smear, including how it's done, what it means when it's abnormal and why it needs to be part of your regular health checkups. [7]?

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Hassan Rouhani

(Difference between revisions)'''Hassan Rouhani''' is the president of [[Iran]]. He was elected to office in 2013, replacing [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]. Rouhani is described as a "moderate" with good relationships with reformists. He ran on a platform which included working to "ease international sanctions imposed on Iran over its [[Nuclear program of Iran|nuclear programme.]]" [ BBC News] He critized the second candidate Saeed Jalili for his support of the current aggresive foreign policy of Iran. Before the election he was the nuclear negotiator from 2003 to 2005 under [[Mohammad Khatami]].'''Hassan Rouhani''' is the president of [[Iran]]. He was elected to office in 2013, replacing [[Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]]. Rouhani is described as a "moderate" with good relationships with reformists. He ran on a platform which included working to "ease international sanctions imposed on Iran over its [[Nuclear program of Iran|nuclear programme.]]" [ BBC News] He critized the second candidate Saeed Jalili for his support of the current aggresive foreign policy of Iran. But at the same time Rouhani called the sanctions of the [[USA]] and the [[European Union]] "unfair and unjustified" and is loyal to [[Ali Khamenei]], who got the real power in Iran. Before the election he was the nuclear negotiator from 2003 to 2005 under [[Mohammad Khatami]].  

Hassan Rouhani is the president of Iran. He was elected to office in 2013, replacing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Rouhani is described as a "moderate" with good relationships with reformists. He ran on a platform which included working to "ease international sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear programme." [1] He critized the second candidate Saeed Jalili for his support of the current aggresive foreign policy of Iran. But at the same time Rouhani called the sanctions of the USA and the European Union "unfair and unjustified" and is loyal to Ali Khamenei, who got the real power in Iran.[2] Before the election he was the nuclear negotiator from 2003 to 2005 under Mohammad Khatami.[3]

? BBC News?

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Kim Jong-un

(Difference between revisions)Since March 2013 Kim Jong-un started to provoke war with [[South Korea]]. He terminated the truce of the [[Korean War]] and said North Korea is in "state of war" with South Korea. March 2013 Kim Jong-un started to provoke war with [[South Korea]]. He terminated the truce of the [[Korean War]] and said North Korea is in "state of war" with South Korea. 2013 it was known that Kim Jong-un gave copies of [[Adolf Hitler|Hitlers]] book [[Mein Kampf]] to his top officials and ordered them to study it as a leadership skills manual. School, Gümlingen
Liebefeld Steinhölzli, Köniz

Kim Jong-un is the dictator of North Korea, son of the former dictator Kim Jong-Il, and grandson of the first ruler of the nation Kim Il-sung. In December 2011 he was formally declared successor to his father as supreme leader. Officially, he hold the titles of First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, First Chairman of the National Defense Commission, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. He is a Communist and an atheist.

In April 2012 large portraits of Lenin and Karl Marx were removed from Pyongyang's Kim Il-sung Square, presumably on Kim Jong-un's orders. While this may signal an ideological change on the part of the regime, the Workers' Party stopped referring to North Korea as a Marxist-Leninist state decades ago, substituting Kim Il-sung's philosophy of self-reliance, known as Juche.[1]

Since March 2013 Kim Jong-un started to provoke war with South Korea.[2] He terminated the truce of the Korean War and said North Korea is in "state of war" with South Korea.[3]

In 2013 it was known that Kim Jong-un gave copies of Hitlers book Mein Kampf to his top officials and ordered them to study it as a leadership skills manual.[4]

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Christian anarchism

(Difference between revisions)

Christian anarchism is a political philosophy, which connects the belief in Christianity and Anarchism. Christian anarchists belief that God (or Jesus) is the only authority and that governments or churches should not have power. An important book for the Christian anarchism is The Kingdom of God Is Within You by Leo Tolstoy.

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