Wednesday, March 28, 2012

There Is A Lot At Stake In Sanford, Florida

When someone (or a group) can publicly do this, and no one (President, Attorney General, Governor, Sheriff) condemns it or brings charges as a result, we need no more proof that we are losing our country.

Anybody else think this would have happened in Texas? Perry would have the Texas Rangers rounding those thugs up, like within hours of such an announcement. Governor Scott should demand that the bounty be rescinded or someone is going to jail.

And if any of the GOP candidates expressed outrage (are you listening, Mitt?) over this, I suspect his base would finally get energized.

Meanwhile, the great, silent majority is sitting on its collective hands, while these fringe minorities get more and more outrageous in their actions.

The barbarians are truly at the gate.

View the original article here


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